Index 997
ATPase, myosin 569
Atractyligenin, coffee 943, 943
Atractyloside, coffee 943, 943
Auroxanthine 239
–, occurrence in orange 240(T)
Autoxidation, fatty acid, saturated 221
–, hexenal, 2(E)- 397, 397
–, lipid 191
–, –, start 196
Auxiliary reaction, enzymatic analysis 138
–, occurrence 229(T)
Avenasterol,-5- 231
Avenasterol,-7- 231
Avidin 229(T), 549(T), 551
–, amino acid sequence 552(T)
–, biotin complex 551
Avocado, fatty acid composition 818(T)
–, ketose 250(T)
–, sugar 817
Azetidine carboxylic acid 781, 781
Azlactone 017, 017
Azodicarbonamide, flour improvement 719, 725(F)
Azomethine, amino acid 021
Bacillus cereus
–, food poisoning 470, 471(T)
Bacon 598
Bacterial count, decrease, rate equation 131, 131
–, milk 133(F)
Bacterial food poisoning 470, 471(T)
Bacterial protein, plastein reaction 085(F)
Bacterial toxin 471(T)
Bactothermprocess 518
Bagasse 872
BAI value 584
Baked product, agar 301(T), 302
–, alginate 301(T), 304
–, baking time 733(T)
–, carboxymethyl cellulose 330, 330(T)
–, carrageenan 301(T), 306
–, dextran 332
–, fine 741
–, –, definition711(T)
–, gum arabic 308
–, gum tragacanth 310
–, raw materials 711
–, ropiness, propionic acid 452
–, staling, lipase 154
–, starch 324
–, type 711(T)
Baking chocolate 968, 968(T)
Baking honey 884
Baking margarine 660(T)
Baking powder, additive 447, 448
–, chemical composition 723
Baking process, bread 731
–, –, temperature and time 731, 733(T)
–, crumb formation 731, 734(F)
Baking property, addition of shortening 721
–, HMW subunit 712
–, lipid 705, 705(F)
–, wheat, lipid 704
–, wheat flour 712(T)
–, –, additive 716
–, –, ascorbic acid 716, 716(F), 717, 717(F), 717(T),
718, 718(T)
–, –, bromate 718(T), 719
Baking quality, addition of shortening 721(T)
Baking test 714
–, lipoxygenase 719(F)
Baking volume, protein content of wheat flour 712,
Balenine 039 , 040(T)
Banana 815(T)
–, amine 817(T)
–, aroma substance 837
–, fatty acid composition 818(T)
–, temperature of phase transition006(T)
Barley,Osbornefraction 676, 677(T)
–, beer production 892
–, lipoxygenase, reaction specificity 207(T)
–, origin 670, 670(F)
–, production data 672(T)
Barley coffee 950
Basil, aroma substance 977, 978(T)
–, dried, aroma 977, 978(T)
Batyl alcohol 187
Baudouinreaction 664(T)
Bay leaf, essential oil, chemical composition 974(T)
Bean, chlorophyll 794(T)
–, processing, discoloration 796(T)
–, seed, cooking 768
Bean (see green or French bean)
Bearded spelt 670
Beaumaris shark 618
Beef, age, determination 607
–, boiled, aroma 605, 606(T)
–, –, furaneol 363(T)
–, –, odorant 605, 606(T)
–, consumption data 565(T)
–, glutathione 038
–, progesterone 228(T)
–, roasted 162(T)
–, sexual origin, detection 610
–, tenderness 581
Beef extract 040(T)
Beef fat, fatty acid composition 643(T)
Beef meat, category 592
–, composition569(T)
Beef tallow, melting property 173
–, triacylglycerol 173(T)