Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

1004 Index

–, –, application of lysozyme 153
–, production data 500(T)
–, progesterone 228(T)
–, ripening 532
–, unriped 530, 537
–, –, aroma 541
–, variety 529, 531(T)
–, –, microflora 530(T)
Cheese aroma, concentrate 394
Cheese ripening, fat degradation 533
–, methyl ketone 225, 226(F)
–, peptide pattern 534, 534(T), 535(F)
–, propionic acid 532, 533(F)
–, protein degradation 534
Cheese surrogate 536, 536(T)
Chelating agent, additive 455, 455(T)
–, association constant 455(T)
Chemical composition, coffee whitener 528(T)
–, vegetable 770, 779(T)
Chemometry 666
Chemoprevention, phenolic compound 962
Cherry, aroma change 841, 841(T)
–, aroma substance 841
–, sour 815(T)
–, sweet 815(T)
Cherry jam, aroma substance 841, 841(T)
Cherry water 931
Chewing gum 882
–, polyalcohol 878(T)
–, production 883(F)
Chick pea, chemicalcomposition 748(T)
–, hydrocyanic acid 761(T)
–, production data 747(T)
–, saponin content 763(T)
Chicken, egg, fatty acid distribution 176(T)
–, –, progesterone 228(T)
–, extract 040(T)
–, glutathione 038
–, meat, composition 569(T)
–, –, radiation 225(F)
–, progesterone 228(T)
–, roasted, aroma 606, 606(T)
Chicory coffee 950
Chili, formation of pyrazine 388, 388
–, pungent substance 980(T)
Chimyl alcohol 187
Chinese restaurant syndrome 431
Chloride 424
–, content, human body 421(T)
ChlorinatedMaillardcompound 603
Chlorination, drinking water 986
Chlorine, bleaching agent 464
Chlorine dioxide, bleaching agent 464
Chloro-3-tosylamido-4-phenylbutan-2-one, 1-,(TPCK)

Chloro-3-tosylamido-7-aminoheptan-2-one, 1-,
(TLCK) 069
Chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazol,7- 019
Chloro-pigment, HPLC 795(F)
–, vegetable 793, 794(T), 795 , 796(T)
Chlorogenic acid 822 , 824, 824(T)
–, coffee 942(T), 943, 943(T)
–, green coffee 941(T)
Chlorohydrin, formation 453, 453
Chlorophyll 793, 795
–, absorption spectra 795(F)
–, bleaching of fat 655, 655(F), 655(T)
–, degradation 981, 981
–, degradation in vegetable processing 795, 796(T)
–, dried herb 981
–, Zn/Cu-complex 794
Chlorophyll a, occurrence 794(T)
Chlorophyll b, occurrence 794(T)
Chlorophyllase 795
Chlorophyllide 794, 796(T)
Chloropropanol 603
Chlortetracycline 454
Chocolate, chemical composition968(T)
–, conching 966
–, consumption 966
–, crystallization 967
–, diabetic 968
–, emulsifier PGPR 462
–, fat bloom 969
–, kind 967, 968(T)
–, lecithin 967
–, maltol 361(T)
–, molding 967
–, polyalcohol 878(T)
–, production 959(F), 966
–, –, bicarbonate 449
–, refining 966
–, sugar bloom 969
Chocolate coating 968(T)
Chocolate milk, carrageenan 306
Chocolate powder 968
Chocolate syrup 968
Cholecalciferol 406, 406
Cholesterol 228, 228
–, analysis 232
–, autoxidation 227
–, determination of egg yolk content 233
–, egg yolk 556
–, milk 514, 514(T)
–, occurrence in food 228, 229(T)
–, oil, refining 656
Cholesterol reduction, milk 539, 539(T)
Choline 585, 585
Chromanoxyl radical, stability217, 217
Chromenol 830
Chromium 425(T), 426
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