Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

1014 Index

–, immobilization 147, 147, 148(F)
–, immobilized 141, 145
–, inactivation 112
–, –, rate equation 131, 131
–, inactivation rate, pH value 135
–, industrial application 146(T)
–, industrial preparation, isolation 145
–, inhibition,Lineweaver-Burkplot 128(F)
–, irreversible inhibition 126
–, isolation 096, 096(T)
–, kinetics 117
–, –,Hofsteeplot 121(F)
–, –,Lineweaver-Burkplot 120, 121(F)
–, –,Michaelisconstant 119
–, –, maximum velocity 119
–, –, pH dependency 128
–, –, single-substrate reaction 117
–, –, two-substrate reaction 121
–, metal ion 104
–, milk 516, 516(T)
–, molar catalytic activity, definition 098
–, multiple form 097
–, muscle 571(T), 573
–, nomenclature 097
–, pH optimum 129(T)
–, ping-pong mechanism 122
–, prochiral substrate, binding 108, 108(F)
–, prosthetic group 098, 098(F), 102
–, purification 096, 096(T)
–, pyruvate at active center 117(F)
–, pyruvate at active site 114(T)
–, rate constant 120(T)
–, reaction, retardation 007(T)
–, reaction rate 110
–, –, influencing fractor 117
–, –, temperature 141
–, reaction specificity 095, 095(F)
–, redox catalysis 102
–, regulatory specificity 094, 124
–, reversible inhibition126, 127(T)
–, –, competitive 126,127(T)
–, –, non-competitive 127,127(F)
–, –, uncompetitive 128
–, sarcoplasma 573
–, specific catalytic activity 098
–, specificity 094
–, stereospecificity 099, 110
–, structure 095
–, substrate analog inhibitor 107
–, substrate binding 108, 108, 109(F)
–, –, order 121
–, –, reaction rate 109
–, substrate specificity 094
–, systematic classification 100(T)
–, systematic numbering 097
–, tea 953

–, thermal inactivation 130, 131(T)
–, thermal stability 134
–, transition state 110
–, transition state analog 112, 112(F)
–, vegetable 770
–, wheat 695
–, zero order reaction 119
Enzyme activity, D-value 131
–, detection 117
–, detection of heat treatment 093
–, frozen food 135
–, pressure 136
–, water content 137, 137(T)
–, z-value 133
Enzyme catalysis, activation energy 093, 094(T)
–, activator 124
–, electrophilic reaction 104, 115, 117, 117
–, hydrogen ion concentration 128
–, inhibitor 125
–, initial reaction rate 118
–, nucleophilic reaction 114
–, pre-steady state 118
–, reaction mechanism 110
–, reaction rate 094, 094(T)
–, steady state 119
–, temperature dependency 130
–, temperature optimum 133
–, theory 106
Enzyme denaturation, activation energy 132, 133
Enzyme immunoassay 141
–, example 142(T)
–, principle 141(F)
Enzyme inhibitor, occurrence 126
Enzyme preparation, industrial 144, 146(T)
Enzyme unit, definition 098
Enzyme-substrate complex, binary 123, 124(F)
–, bond deformation 109
–, covalent binding 114(T)
–, dissociation constant 119
–, entropy effect 112
–, induced-fit model 109, 110(F)
–, lock and key hypothesis 109
–, ordered mechanism 122
–, orientation effect 111, 111(T)
–, random mechanism 121
–, steric effect 111
Enzyme-substrate-complex, ternary 121
EPA, structure,meltingpoint 163(T)
Epicatechin 827, 827
–, cacao bean 963
–, cocoa taste 963, 963(T), 964
–, fruit, content 829(T)
–, wine 920(T)
Epicatechin equivalent (ECE) 963
Epimysium 564, 566(F)
Epitheaflavic acid 956, 957
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