Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 1045

Oxocarboxylic acid decarboxylase, substrate
specificity 377(T)
Oxofatty acid 164, 164
Oxopropanal, 2-
–, formation 267, 267 , 370
Oxygen, activated, reaction 201, 202(T)
–, electron configuration 196, 197(F)
–, enzymatic removal 149
Oxymyoglobin 574, 575(F)
–, stability 576
Oxystearin, additive 455(T)
Oxytetracycline 454
Oyster, chemicalcomposition 637(T)
Ozonation, drinking water 986
Ozone, disinfectant 495

Paddy rice 710
PAH 490
Pain 601
Pal oil, bleaching 647
Palatinit 874, 874
–, nutritional/physiological property 865(T)
–, production 863(T)
Palatinol, biotechnology 262
Palatinose 295(T)
–, production 863(T), 874, 874
–, relative sweetness 863(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Palm kernel, production data 641(T)
Palm kernel oil 648, 648(T)
–, perfume rancidity 225
–, polymorphism 172(T)
Palm oil 645(T), 646
–, adulteration, detection 647
–, detection 665(T)
–, fatty acid distribution 176(T)
–, fractionation 659(T)
–, production data 641(T)
–, sterol 229(T)
–, thermal bleaching 656
–, tocopherol content 234(T)
–, unsaponifiable component 226(T)
Palm sugar 873
Palmitic acid, human milk 177
–, infant food 177
–, plant fat 159 , 159(T)
Palmitoleic acid, structure, meltingpoint 161(T),
Panose 295(T)
–, honey 886(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Panthothenic acid, stability 425
Pantothenic acid 415, 416
–, fruit 842
–, occurrence 409(T)
Papain 076, 077(T)

–, active cysteine 115
–, meat, tenderizing 598
–, pH optimum 129(T)
–, specificity 078(T)
Paprika, degradation of capsanthin 243(F)
–, formation of pyrazine 388
–, oleoresin 244
–, pungent substance 979, 980(T)
Para-κ-casein, formation 506
Paraguayan tea 958
Paramyosin, molluslk 625, 625(T)
–, surimi 635
Parasorbic acid 451, 451
Parboiling process, rice 710
Parinaric acid, structure, meltingpoint 163(T)
–, UV absorption 167(F)
Parsley, aldose 250(T)
–, aroma substance 978, 979(T)
–, chlorophyll 794(T)
–, dried, aroma 979, 979(T)
–, essential oil, chemical composition974(T)
–, glutathione 038
Passion fruit, aroma defect 344(T)
–, aroma substance 840, 840
–, odorant 242(T)
Pasta, additive 742
–, chemical composition 741(T)
–, egg content 741
–, production 742
–, raw material 741
Paste 601
Pasteurization, fruit juice 854
–, gaseous sterilant 453
–, milk 518, 518(F)
Patulin 473 , 474(T)
–, isotope dilution assay 475
Paulyreagent, reaction of tyrosine 024, 024
PCB 489
–, contamination, milk 490
PCDD 496, 496
PCDF 496, 496
PCR 142, 143, 143(F)
PDB 858(T)
Pea, aroma defect 344(T)
–, aroma substance 793
–, blanching process, lipoxygenase 135, 136(F)
–, carotinoid content 235(T)
–, chemical composition 748(T)
–, chlorophyll 794(T)
–, cooking process 768
–, hardening 768
–, hydrocyanic acid 761(T)
–, lipoxygenase, reaction specificity 207(T)
–, parboiling 768
–, production data 747(T)
–, proteinase inhibitor, stability758(T)
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