Index 1047
–, classification 077(T)
–, meat, aging 590, 590(T)
–, metal-containing 076
Peptide 034
–, antiparallel chain 051(F)
–, basicity 036
–, binding to carrier 044, 044
–, bitter taste 036, 036(T)
–, dissociation constant 036(T)
–, HPLC 044
–, isoelectric point 036(T)
–, mass spectrometric analysis 046
–, nomenclature 034
–, parallel chain 051(F)
–, salty taste 038, 038(T)
–, sequence analysis 021, 044
–, structure and taste 036
–, sweet taste 037, 038(T), 441
–, taste threshold value 036(T)
–, vapor phase sequence analysis 046
Peptide bond, configuration 048
Peptide chain, conformation 048, 048(F)
–, extended 048, 048(F)
–, folding 053
–, torsion angle 049, 049(F)
Peptide pattern, cheese ripening 534, 534(T), 535(F)
Peptide synthesis 034
–, protective group 017, 018, 034
Peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerase 049
Peptidyldipeptidase 077(T)
PER-value 030, 030
–, modified casein 081, 082(T), 085(T)
–, plastein 085(T)
Perch-like fish 622
Perfume rancidity 225
–, occurrence 648
Perillaalcohol 383
Perillaldehyde, oxime 440, 440
Perimysium 564, 566(F)
Periodate, glycol cleavage 292, 292
Perlwein 928
Peroxidase, autoxidation of linoleic acid 200
–, blanching process 134
–, electronic spectrum 103(F)
–, inhibition, pressure 136
–, mechanism 103, 103(F)
–, milk 135(F)
–, potato 135(F)
–, prosthetic group 103
–, protein cross-linking 087, 087
–, rate constant 120(T)
–, reaction 139(T)
–, reactivation 135
–, thermal inactivation, peanut 765(T)
–, wheat 698
Peroxide value, deep fried fat 220(T), 221
–, fat 667
Peroxy nitrite 201
Peroxy radical, cyclization 195, 195
–, formation 192, 192(F)
–, reaction 192, 192(F), 193, 195, 195 , 201(T),
–, rearrangement 195, 195 , 196, 196
Persipan 881
Pest control, cereal 707
Pesticide, natural 486
–, –, example 486
–, removal, oil refining 656(T)
Pesticide (see also PPA)
Petunidin 830(T)
Pfluemli water 932
PGPR 462, 462
pH optimum, enzyme 127, 129(T)
pH Value, fruit 815(T)
Phase transition, kinetics 005
Phase transition temperature, glucose oxidase 137
Phaseolin, amino acid sequence 752(T)
PHB-Ester, antimicrobial action 450
Phellandrene,α- 383
–, pepper 975, 975(T)
–, sensory property 386(T)
Phellandrene,β- 383
Phenol, black tea 956, 957
–, chemoprevention 962
Phenol oxidase, potato 135(F)
Phenol oxidase (see also polyphenol oxidase)
Phenol, 2-methoxy-4-vinyl- 375(T)
Phenol, 4-ethyl- 375(T)
Phenol, 4-vinyl- 375(T)
Phenolase 105
Phenolcarboxylic acid, fruit 823
Phenolic compound, cacao bean 962(T), 963
–, fruit 822, 823(T)
–, –, taste 835
–, indicator, fruit 857(T), 858, 858(T)
–, metal complex, fruit 835
–, oxidation 835
–, polymerization, red wine 920
–, protein complex, fruit juice 837
–, tea 953, 953(T)
–, wine 920, 920(T)
Phenoloxidase, cresolase activity 698
–, legume 768
Phenyl-2-thiohydantoin, 3- 021
Phenylacetaldehyde, aroma defect, beer 906
–, honey aroma 888
Phenylacetic acid ethyl ester, invert sugar cream,
aroma 890
Phenylalanine 010
–, degradation,Ehrlichpathway 737
–, discovery 012
–, synthesis 033
–, UV absorption 015(F)