Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 1053

–, inactivation 757, 758(T)
–, nutritional test 757, 757(T)
–, nutritional-physiological effect 754, 757, 757(T),
–, occurrence 755(T)
–, property 753
–, soybean, inactivation 758(T)
–, soybean product 758(T)
–, specificity 755, 755(T)
–, structure 755
Proteinase K 056
Proteose peptone 507
Proteus spp.
–, food poisoning 470
Protocatechuic acid 825
–, fruit, content 825(T)
–, occurrence 825(T)
Proton, mobility 002
Protopectin 845, 845
–, fruit ripening 845
Protopectinase, fruit ripening 845, 845
Protoporphyrin, Fe^2 +- 574 , 574(F)
Protoporphyrin, Fe^3 +- 574, 576(F)
Prunasin 760(T)
–, aroma precursor 841
Pseudo ionone 242
Pseudolysine 043
Pseudomonas spp.
–, food poisoning 470
Psicose 251(T), 252
PTC-peptide 021
Pulegol 383
Pulegone 383
Pullulanase 334
–, application 152
Pumpernickel 741
Pumpkin seed oil 649(T), 650
Punch extract 936
Pungent substance 980(T)
Pungent taste, capsaicin 979
–, paprika 980
–, relative 980(T)
–, structure/effect relationship 979
Purity quotient, sugar extract 873
Puroindolin, foam formation 695
–, wheat 695
Putrescine 584
Pyranose, conformation 254
Pyrazine, biosynthesis 388
–, cabbage aroma 792
–, ethenyl-3,5-dimethyl-, 2- 372(T)
–, ethenyl-3-ethyl-5-methyl-, 2- 372(T)
–, ethyl-3,6-dimethyl-, 2- 372(T)
–, formation 371, 373, 373 , 373(T), 388
–, odor threshold in air 400(F)
–, potato 788, 789(T)

–, product ofMaillardreaction 274, 275
–, sensory property 372(T)
–, structure and odor 399, 400(F)
–, trimethyl 372(T)
Pyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-5-methyl- 372(T)
Pyrazine, 2-acetyl- 372(T)
Pyrazine, 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethyl- 372(T)
Pyrazine, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxy- 372(T)
–, odor threshold value 341(T)
Pyrazine, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxy- 372(T)
Pyrazine, 2-sec-butyl-3-methoxy- 372(T)
Pyrethrin 476, 476
Pyrethrum 476
Pyridine, product ofMaillardreaction 274, 275 , 280
Pyridine, 2-acetyl-
–, odor threshold value 369(T)
Pyridinoline, beef, tenderness 581, 581
Pyridocarbazole 027(T)
Pyridoimidazole 026, 027(T)
Pyridoindole 026, 027(T)
Pyridosine 071
Pyridoxal (see also vitamin B 6 )413, 414
Pyridoxal phosphate 065, 103, 103 , 413
–, coenzyme of alliinase 790
Pyridoxamine (see also vitamin B 6 ) 103
Pyridoxine (see also vitamin B 6 )413, 414
Pyridoxol (see also vitamin B 6 )413, 414
Pyrolysis product, amino acid 025, 027, 028(T)
Pyropheophytin 795, 795
–, HPLC 795(F)
Pyrraline, occurrence 286(T)
Pyrrole, aroma substance 367
–, product ofMaillardreaction 274, 275
Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid 011, 011
–, molasses 874
–, sugar extract 869, 874
Pyrroline, 2-acetyl-1-
–, formation 369, 371(F)
–, odor threshold value 369(T)
Pyrroline, 2-propionyl-1- 369(T)
Pyruvate kinase 139(T)

Quaternary structure, protein 056, 056(T)
Quercetin 834, 834
–, antioxidative activity 217, 217(T)
–, content, fruit 834
–, red wine 920(T)
Quercetin-3-glycoside, taste threshold 953
Quercus lactone. See whisky lactone
Quinic acid 820(T), 822
Quinic acid lactone, coffee 947, 948 , 948(T)
Quinide 948 , 948(T)
Quinit acid lactone, coffee, bitter taste 947, 948 ,
Q 10 -value, definition 133, 133

Racemate, cleavage 014
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