Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

1054 Index

Radiation detection, food 073
Radical chain reaction, autoxidation of lipid 192,
Radical scavenger 215(F), 216(T)
Radiolysis, alkyl cyclobutanone, formation 224, 225
–, decontamination, dose 225
–, detection 224
–, lipid 224, 224(F)
Radionuclide 470
–, natural 470
Radish, aroma substance 789
Raffination, fat, loss of tocopherol 233
Raffinose 295(T)
–, enzymatic degradation 152
–, legume 760(T)
–, relative sweetness 259(T)
–, saccharose production 871
–, specific rotation 258(T)
–, sugar beet 869
Raisin, chemicalcomposition 850(T)
Ramachandrandiagram, protein 049(F)
Rancidity, hydrolytic 189, 190(T)
Random-random hypothesis, triacylglycerol 174
Rapeseed, glucosinolate 652
–, production data 641(T)
Rapeseed oil 651(T), 652
–, bleaching 655, 655(T)
–, detection 665(T)
–, furan fatty acid 164(T)
–, lecithin removal 654
–, sensitizer 655, 655(T)
–, unsaponifiable component 226(T)
Raspberry 815(T)
–, aroma, cooking process 839
–, ellagic acid 825
–, hydroxycinammic acid derivative 824(T)
–, odorant 242(T), 839
Raspberry ketone, aroma quality 340(T)
–, biosynthesis 839, 840
–, odor threshold 839
–, odor threshold value 341(T)
Rate constant, activated oxygen 201, 202(T)
–, enzyme 120(T)
Raw milk 517
Raw sausage 600
–, production 600(F)
Raw sugar 872, 872(F)
Reaction aroma 607, 607(T)
Reaction rate, photooxidation 198
–, temperature dependency 131, 131
Reaction rate constant, temperature dependency 131,
Reaction specificity
–, enzyme 095, 095(F)
Recognition odor threshold, definition 341
Red beet, aroma substance 790

–, pigment 796
Red cabbage, aroma substance 792
Red color enhancer, meat 877
Red currant, hydroxycinammic acid derivative 824(T)
Red No. 2 444(T), 446(T)
Red No. 3 445, 446(T)
Red wine, fermentation 916
–, grape cultivar 910
–, phenolic compound 920, 920(T)
Redox lipid 158, 233, 234(F)
Redox reaction, reductone 277, 278
Reductive depolymerisation, polysaccharide 335,
Reductone,Maillardreaction 278, 278
–, redox reaction 278, 278
Reevesformula, monosaccharide 254
Reference Dose (RfD) 467
Refined sugar 872, 872(F)
Refining, fat 653, 654(F)
–, –, detection 669(T)
–, loss of chloro pigment 655(T)
–, oil, cholesterol 656
–, –, hydroperoxide degradation 655, 655
–, physical, oil 656
Refining fatty acid 656
Regulatory specificity, enzyme 094, 124
Reindeer milk, chemical composition501(T)
Rennin 077(T), 078
–, from microorganism 150
–, specificity 078(T)
Rennin (see chymosin)
Resistant starch 325
–, determination 325
–, formation 325
–, structure 325
Respiratory quotient, fruit ripening 844
Resveratol, wine 920(T), 921
Retinal, 11-cis 404 , 404(F)
Retinol (see also vitamin A) 404
–, loss during food processing 403
Retroaldol condensation 222, 222
–, enzyme catalyzed 117, 117
Retrofat, fat substitute 464
Retrogradation, amylose 320
Reversible inhibition, enzyme catalysis 126
Reversion, glucose 263
Reversion dextrin 890
Reversion flavor, soya oil 650, 652(T)
Rhamnose 250(T)
–, relative sweetness 259(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Rhamnosidase,α-L- 153
Rheological property, gliadin 692
–, HMW subunit 692, 694(F)
–, LMW 692
Rhodanide, goiter 798
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