Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 1057

Sequene analysis, DNA 046, 047 , 048(F)
Sequestrant 455, 455(T)
Serine 010
–, discovery 012
–, reaction 024
Serine endopeptidase 075, 077(T)
–, inhibition075, 075
–, specificity 075, 078(T)
Serine peptidase 077(T)
Serotonin, fruit 813, 817 , 817(T)
Sesame oil 651(T), 653
–, detection 664(T)
–, detection of margarine 661
Sesame seed, production data 641(T)
Sesamol, formation 653(F)
Sesamolin 653(F)
Sesquiphellandrene 385
Shark 618
Shark liver oil, squalene 227
Shea butter 648(T), 649
Shea fat, unsaponifiable component 226(T)
Sheep milk, chemicalcomposition 501(T)
–, production data 499(T)
Sheep tallow 643
–, protein 050
Shelf life, fish 627(F), 629, 632(T)
Shelfish, consumption 617(T), 618
Shellfish, chemicalcomposition 637(T)
Sherry 926, 927(T)
Shigella spp.
–, food poisoning 470
Shikimic acid 820(T), 821
Shogaol, retroaldol cleavage 981, 981
Short sour, rye bread 724, 724(F)
Shortening, baking quality 721,722(T)
Shoyu 766
Shrimp 636
–, chemical composition 637(T)
–, removal of shell 153
Shrinkage temperature, collagen 626
Sialic acid 181, 182
Silicon 428
Silk fibroin 053
Sinapic acid 825
–, thermal degradation 376(T)
Sinensal,α- 385
Sinensal, (all-E)-α-
–, sensory property 386(T)
Single cell protein 008
Single-phase interesterification 173, 173
Single-substrate reaction, kinetics 117
Singlet oxygen, formation 197, 197
–, reaction 201(T)
–, reaction with unsaturated fatty acid 197, 197
Sinigrin 789(T)

Sitosterol 230
–, olive oil 646(T)
–, occurrence 229(T)
Skatole, formation 389
–, odor threshold value 343
–, sensory property 388
Skeletal muscle 564, 566–568(F)
–, contractile apparatus 568
Skim cheese 529
Skim milk 520
–, chemical composition 538(T)
Skim milk powder 527, 528(T)
–, analysis 515
–, production data 500(T)
Slaughtering, process 592
Slicing cheese 531(T)
Smoke point, frying oil 668
Smoking, fish 633
–, formation of antioxidant 218
–, meat 597
SMOW 858(T)
Snail 638
–, helix garden 638
Soap, isolation 172
Soda water 988
Sodium 421
–, content, human body 421(T)
–, occurrence in food 422(T)
Sodium hydroxide, additive 449
Soft caramel 880
–, chemical composition 880(T)
Soft cheese 529, 531(T)
–, ripening, yield 532
Soft roe 636
Softener 261, 464
Soja, taste 764
Solanidine 798, 798(T)
Solanine 798 , 798(T)
Sole 623
Solubility, amino acid 015, 015(T)
–, fatty acid 167, 167(F)
–, lactose 513(T)
–, monosaccharide 256
–, oligosaccharide 256
–, protein 060
–, sugar 862(F)
–, sugar alcohol 862(F)
Solvent, extraction of aroma substance 394
–, extraction of oilseeds 647
Somatropin, milk yield 498
Sorbic acid, antimicrobial action 451(F), 452
–, degradation, aroma defect 452, 452
–, synthesis 451
–, wine, bacterial degradation 926
Sorbitan, production 879, 879
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