1058 Index
Sorbitan fatty acid ester 291, 460(T), 462, 462
Sorbitol 261, 261
–, enzymatic analysis 139(T)
–, fruit 817
–, nutritional/physiological property 864(T)
–, production 863(T), 879
–, relative sweetness 863(T)
–, solubility862(F)
–, water absorption 866(F)
Sorbitol dehydrogenase, reaction 139(T)
Sorbitol, D-
–, wine 920
Sorbitol, L- 879
Sorbose 252
–, nutritional/physiological property 864(T)
–, production 863(T)
–, relative sweetness 863(T)
Sorbose, L- 878
–, production 878
Sorghum, hydrocyanic acid 761(T)
Sorghum sugar 873
Sorption isotherm 003, 004(F)
Sotolon, degradation 362, 363
–, enantiomeric excess 355(T)
–, formation 268, 269
–, –, fenugreek 976, 976
–, odor threshold, wine 926
–, portwine 926
–, seasoning aroma 603
–, soy sauce 767
Sotolon (see furanone), 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-
Soup 603
Soup turtle 639
Sour cherry, hydroxycinammic acid derivative 824(T)
Sour cream butter 526
Sour dough, acid formation 724, 724(F)
–, fermentation ratio 724
–, production 724, 724(F)
–, short sour method 724, 724(F)
Sour milk 523
Sour milk cheese 531(T)
Sour milk product 521
–, aroma substance 540
Soya milk, phytoestrogen 763(T)
Soya sauce, aroma substance 767
–, chemical composition 767
–, production 766, 766(F)
Soya,Bowman-Birkinhibitor 055, 055(F), 756
–, chemical composition 748(T)
–, coumestrol 762, 762
–, essential amino acid 749(T)
–, flour, phytoestrogen 762
–, globulin, aminoacid composition753(T)
–, globulin fraction 746
–, –, emulsifying effect 751, 751(F)
–, –, subunit 746
–, heat treatment, detection 754
–,Kunitzinhibitor 755
–, lipid composition 178(T)
–, lipoxygenase, reaction specificity 207(T), 208(F)
–, meat, detection 614
–, milk 766
–, miso 767
–, oil 651, 651(T)
–, –, change on deep frying 220, 220(T)
–, –, detection 665(T)
–, –, differentiation from sunflower oil 233
–, –, fatty acid distribution 176(T)
–, –, furan fatty acid 164(T)
–, –, hardened flavor 205
–, –, high oleic 650, 652(T)
–, –, high stearic 650(T)
–, –, HPLC-analysis 174(F)
–, –, hydrogenation 658(T)
–, –, lecithin removal 654, 654(F)
–, –, low linolenic 650, 652(T)
–, –, low palmitic 650,652(T)
–, –, low saturate 650, 652(T)
–, –, production 647(F)
–, –, production data 643(T)
–, –, reversion flavor 650, 652(T)
–, –, sensitizer 655(F)
–, –, sterol 229(T)
–, –, tocopherol content 234(T)
–, –, unsaponifiable component 226(T)
–, phospholipid, occurrence 179(T)
–, phytoestrogen 763(T)
–, processing 765, 766(F)
–, product, aroma defect, removal 149
–, –, natto 767
–, –, off-flavor 370, 764
–, –, soy milk 766
–, –, soy sauce 766
–, –, sufu 767
–, –, tofu 766
–, production data 748(T)
–, protein, aminoacylation 083(F)
–, –, binding of aroma substance 393(T)
–, –, detection 142(T), 144
–, –, enrichment with glutamic acid 085(F)
–, –, enrichment with methionine 083(F)
–, –, enrichment with tryptophan 083(F)
–, –, phytoestrogen 763(T)
–, –, plastein reaction 086(F), 087(T)
–, –, plastein reaction, solubility085, 086(F)
–, –, production 765, 766(F)
–, protein concentrate 765, 765(T)
–, protein isolate 765, 765(T)
–, rancidity 764
–, saponin content 763(T)
–, urease 753, 753