Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 1059

Soybean genetically modified, detection 142(T), 144
Soybean genotype, fatty acid composition 650,
Sparkling wine 926
–, bottle fermentation 927
–, carbonation process 928
–, classification 928
–, disgorging 927
–, dosage 927
–, tank fermentation 928
Special flour 708(T)
Special salt 983
Specific activity, enzyme 098
Spelt, origin 670
Spelt wheat 670
Sperm, fish 636
Sperm whale extract 040(T)
Spermidine 585
Spermine 585
Spherosome, lipid, wheat flour 705
Spherosomes 177
Sphingoglycolipid 181
–, acidic 181
–, neutral 181
Sphingolipid 181
Sphingomyelin 181
Sphingophospholipid 181
Sphingosine 181
Spice 971
–, aroma change 981
–, chemical composition 971
–, class 971(T)
–, content of essential oil 973(T)
–, extract, propellant 465
–, plant 971(T)
–, powder 981
–, preparation 981
–, volatile971, 974(T)
Spinach, aroma substance 792
–, carotinoid content 235(T)
–, chlorophyll 794(T)
–, furan fatty acid 164(T)
–, glutathione 038
–, heating, chloro-pigment 796(T)
–, processing, discoloration 796(T)
–, saponin content 763(T)
–, temperature of phase transition006(T)
Spinning, protein 088
Spirit 929
Spirit vinegar 984
Spleen, chemicalcomposition 594(T)
SPME 349
Sprat 618
Sprouting, cereal 695
–, –, detection 695, 696
Squalene 227

Stability in deep frying, fat 224, 224(T)
Stabilizer 464
Stachydrine 019(T)
Stachyose 295(T)
–, enzymatic degradation 153
–, legume 760(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Staling, bread, carboxymethyl cellulose 330
Staling defect, bread 739
Standard flour 708(T)
Stanol 229
Staphylococcus aureus, food poisoning 470, 471(T)
Starch 315
–, amorphous region 315
–, amylose content 317(T)
–, binding of aroma substance 392(T)
–, cacao bean 962
–, cereal 701
–, cross linked 327, 327(F)
–, crystalline region 318, 318(F)
–, crystallinity 316,317(T)
–, crystallization, kinetics 740(F)
–, damage, measurement 708
–, degradation,α−amylase 152(F)
–, –, enzymatic 151, 152(F)
–, –, product 875
–, –, saccharification degree 876
–, degree of cross linking and viscosity 327(F)
–, determination, NIR 706(T)
–, E-type 326
–, enzymatic analysis 139(T)
–, extruded 325
–, extrusion, anhydroglucopyranose, 1,6- 325
–, fruit ripening 845
–, gelatinization 316, 318, 319(F)
–, gelatinization behavior 320(F)
–, gelatinization temperature 317(T), 318, 320, 321(F)
–, legume 759, 760(T)
–, mechanical damage 708
–, mechanically damaged 325
–, modified 325
–, oxidized 327
–, production 315
–, raw material 315(T)
–, resistant 325
–, retrogradation 739, 740(F)
–, rye flour 709(T)
–, saccharification, enzymatic 151, 152(F)
–, swelling 316, 317(T)
–, temperature of phasetransition005(F), 006(T)
–, thermal modification 318, 319(F), 319(T)
–, thermogram 739(F)
–, thin boiling 326
–, unfrozen water 005
–, wheat flour 709(T)
–, X-ray diffraction diagram 316, 318, 319(F)
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