Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

1060 Index

Starch ester 326
Starch ether 326
Starch granule, structure 316, 317(T)
Starch lipid, composition 701(T), 702
Starch phosphate 326
Starch syrup 875
–, chemical composition875(F), 876(T)
–, hydrogenated 877
–, maltose enriched 152
–, production 863(T), 875
Starchy endosperm, cereal 673, 675(T)
Steam-rendered lard 643
Stearic acid, plant fat 159 , 159(T)
–, structure, meltingpoint 161(T)
Stearyl alcohol 186
Stearyl-2-lactylate 463, 463
–, binding in baking process 734(T)
Stemwort, beer 901, 901
Stereospecific analysis 175
–, triacylglycerol 175, 175(F)
Sterigmatocystin 473 , 474(T)
Sterilization, canned vegetable 800
–, milk 518, 518(F)
Steroid, chlorinated 603, 603
–, odorant 228, 229(T)
Steroid alkaloid,bitter taste 798, 798(T)
–, potato 798, 798 , 798(T)
Steroid hormone, beef, sexual origin 610
Steroid, C 19 -
–, odor threshold 229(T)
Sterol 227
–, analysis 232, 666(F)
–, fat hardening 658
–,Meisenheimeradduct 233
–, vegetable fat 229, 229(T)
Sterol ester, analysis 666(F)
–, margarine 229
Steven’slaw 342
Stevioside 438, 438
Stiebene, chemical structure 822
Stigmasterol 230
–, identification of cocoa butter 231(T)
–, occurrence 229(T)
–, occurrence 229(T)
Stigmasterol,-7- 231
Stock fish 633
Storage stability, temperature of phase transition 006,
Stout 904
Strained honey 884
Strawberry 815(T)
–, aroma change 841, 841(T)
–, aroma substance 841, 841(T)
–, cultivar differentiation 816(F)
–, ellagic acid 825

–, furaneol 363(T)
–, heat treatment, flavor change 841
–, hydroxycinammic acid derivative 824(T)
–, temperature of phase transition006(T)
Strawberry juice, adulteration 858(T)
Streckeracid, formation 283, 283
Streckeraldehyde 021, 282
–, sensory property 360(T)
Streckerdegradation, tea 956, 957
Streckerdegradation 021
–, cysteine 363(F)
–, methionine 363(F)
–, ornithine 370
–, proline 368, 370
Streckerreaction 017, 032, 282, 288
Strontium-90 470
Structure and odor, aroma substance 398
Structure and taste, amino acid 034, 261
–, aspartame 037, 038(T)
–, cyclamate 436(T)
–, dipeptide amide 441(T), 448
–, hernandulcin 443
–, oxathiazinone dioxide 440, 440(T)
–, peptide 036
–, sweet peptide 037, 038(T)
–, sweet substance 432
Structure und taste, sugar 260
Substrate determination, enzymatic analysis 138
Substrate specificity, decarboxylase 377(T)
–, enzyme 094
–, glutathione dehydrogenase 699(T)
Subtilin 039
Subtilisin, active serine, mechanism 115
–, enzymatic hydrolysis 045(F)
–, specificity 078(T)
Succinate dehydrogenase, inhibition127(T)
Succinic acid 443
Succinic acid anhydride, additive 447
–, reaction with protein 065
Sucrose, sweetness receptor 433, 434(F)
Sucrose fatty acid ester 462
Sufu 767
Sugar 862
–, affinated 872
–, caramelization 270
–, composition 873
–, consumption data 868(T)
–, fruit 818(T)
–, fruit juice 853(T)
–, iso-sweet concentration 259(T)
–, jam 852(T)
–, metabolism 866
–, must 915
–, nutritional/physiological property 864(T), 866
–, production from sugar beet 869
–, production from sugar cane 872
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