Index 1061
–, reducing, bread crumb 727(F)
–, refined 871
–, relative sweetness 863(T)
–, sensory property 863(T), 866
–, solubility862(F)
–, sweet taste, AH/B/X model 260
–, –, temperature dependency 259, 259(F)
–, type 873
Sugar alcohol 261
–, fruit 817
–, nutritional/physiological property 864(T), 867
–, production 878, 879
–, solubility862(F)
Sugar anhydride 263, 263
Sugar beet, extract, chemical composition 869
–, –, nonsugar substance 869, 872
–, extraction 869
–, production data 868(T)
Sugar cane, production data 868(T)
Sugar couleur 270
Sugar ester 291, 462
Sugar ether 291
Sugar fatty acid ester 291
Sugar substitute261, 432
Sugar, L-
–, synthesis 878
Sulfhydrylation, reductive 364, 365
Sulfitation, sugar extract 870
Sulfite, antimicrobial action 452
–, reaction with food constituent 452
–, sugar coleur, stabilization 270, 270
Sulfolipid 181
Sulfonamide 487(T), 488(F)
Sulfur compound, odor threshold value 364(T)
–, volatile387, 388(T)
Sulfur dioxide, antimicrobial action 452
–, bleaching of anthocyan 831, 832
Sulfur treatment, grape must 917
–, wine 917
Sulfuric acid, additive 449
Sulfurous acid, treatment, fruit 849, 850
Sunflower oil 650, 651(T)
–, analysis, HPLC 174(F)
–, detection 665(T)
–, differentiation from soybean oil 233
–, fatty acid composition, climate 178(F)
–, –, variation 665(T)
–, fatty acid distribution 176(T)
–, production data 643(T)
–, tocopherol content 234(T)
–, unsaponifiable component 226(T)
Sunflower seed, production data 641(T)
Sunshine vitamin 406
Suosan 439, 440
Super-secondary structure, protein 052
Superaspartame 037, 442, 442
Superoxide dismutase 201
Superoxide radical anion 201, 201(F)
–, formation 201, 201
–, lipid peroxidation 201
–, reaction 201, 202(T)
–, reaction with superoxide dismutase 201
–, xanthine oxidase 105
Surface-active agent 456, 456(T)
–, occurrence in food 456(T)
–, use in food 456(T)
Surimi, production 635
Suspension 456(T)
Sweet cherry, hydroxycinammic acid derivative
Sweet compound, AH/B-system, AH/B/X-system
260, 261
Sweet must 854
–, definition 855
Sweet taste 432
–, AH/B/X-system 432, 433(F)
–, alitame 442, 442
–, amino acid 034, 035(T)
–, aspartame 441
–, chalcone 834
–, dihydrochalcone 439, 439 , 834(T)
–, dipeptide amide 441
–, dipeptide ester 441
–, guanidine derivative 440, 440 , 440(T)
–, n/e-system 432
–, peptide 037, 038(T)
–, relative, sugar 259(T)
–, structural requirement 260
–, sugar, temperature dependence 866, 866(F)
–, superaspartame 442, 442
–, threshold detection value 432
–, urea derivative 439
Sweetener 432
–, nutritional property 864(T), 866
Sweetening strength, relative 433, 435(F)
Sweetening with sugar, fruit 851
Sweetish-off-flavor, beer 906
Sweetness, relative, sugar 513(T)
Sweetness receptor, glucose 433, 434(F)
–, lugduname 433, 434(F)
–, model 433, 434(F)
–, sucrose 433, 434(F)
Swelling, protein 061
Swifttest 668
Swiss cheese, aroma 542, 542(T)
–, taste compound 542, 542(T)
Synemin 571
Synephrine, fruit 813, 815
Synergist, antioxidative effect 219
Synthetic, chewing gum 882
Table water 988