1062 Index
Table wine 919
Tablet 881
Tachysterol 230(F)
Taco shell, aroma 389
Taette, milk 524
Tagatose 252
Taint, food 343, 345(F)
Tall oil 229
Talose 251
Tamarind flour 312
–, gel strength 313(F)
–, polysaccharide structure 312
Tannase, reaction 154
Tannin 825
–, clarifying agent 464
Tanning agent 825, 828 , 829
–, condensed 829
–, enzymatic hydrolysis 154
Tartaric acid, additive 448, 448
–, biosynthesis 822
–, fruit 820(T)
–, metabolism 822, 822
–, wine 916, 917(F)
Taste, amino acid 034, 035(T)
–, astringent 825, 829
–, definition 340
–, fatty acid 160(T)
–, –, unsaturated 164(T)
–, oily 158
–, peptide 036
–, salty 982
–, synergistic effect 431, 431(F), 433, 435(F)
Taste compound,bouillon 605(T)
–, coffee 947, 948 , 948(T)
–, dried morel 788
–, tea 953
Taste intensity, definition 034
Taste modifier 438
Taste substance, potato 798(T)
–, steroid alkaloid 798(T)
–, wine 921, 922(T)
Taste threshold, fatty acid, 160, 160(T)
Taste threshold value, amino acid 034, 035(T)
–, sugar 259(T)
Taste-bearing substance, definition 340
–, cocoa 963, 963(T)
Taurine 584, 584
–, biosynthesis 584
TBA test 668
TBHQ 218
Tea 951
–, amino acid 954, 954(T)
–, astringent taste 953
–, black 951
–, –, aroma 955, 955(T)
–, –, GAE 963
–, catechin, difference green/black 953
–, chemical composition 952, 953(T)
–, chlorophyllase reaction 955
–, enzyme 953
–, epitheaflavic acid 956, 957
–, flavonol-3-glycoside 953
–, formation of pigment 956, 957
–, furan fatty acid 164(T)
–, green 952
–, –, aroma 955, 955(T)
–, –, aroma of brew 955, 955(T)
–, –, GAE 963
–, mineral 956
–, odorant 242(T)
–, packaging 958
–, phenol, composition 956, 957
–, phenol oxidation, enzymatic 953
–, phenolic compound 953, 953(T)
–, pheophytin 955
–, polyphenol oxidase 956
–, processing, reaction 956
–, production, reaction 956
–, production data 951(T)
–, seed oil, detection 646
–, storage 958
–,Streckerdegradation 956, 957
–, theaflavin 956, 957
–, thearubigen 956, 957
–, theogallin 954
–, turbidity, tannase 154
Tea grade 952
Teaseed oil, detection 664(T)
Tempeh, phytoestrogen 763(T)
Temperature, growth of microorganism 130, 132(F),
133, 134(F)
Temperature of phase transition 005, 005, 006(F),
–, storage stability006, 006(T)
Temperature optimum, enzyme 133
Tenderizing, meat 598
–, –, detection 611
Tenkawang fat, detection in cocoa butter 231(T)
Tenside 456
Teratogenicity 467
Terpene, chemical structure 382(T)
–, grape 924, 925(F)
–, –, cultivar differentiation 924, 925(F)
–, sensory property 386, 386(T)
Terpene glucoside, wine, hydrolysis 923, 923(T)
Terpinene,α- 383
Terpinene,γ- 383
Terpineol,α- 383
–, sensory property 386(T)
Tertiary structure, carboxypeptidase 056(F)
–, hemoglobin 056(F)