Index 1065
Triolein, meltingpoint 171(T)
Triosephosphate isomerase, mechanism 112, 112(F),
114, 114
–, tertiary structure 056(F)
Tripalmitin, meltingpoint 171(T)
Triphosphate 455(T)
Triple helix, collagen 578(F)
Trisaccharide 295(T)
Tristearin, heating product 222(T)
–, meltingpoint 171(T)
Triterpene alcohol 645
Triterpenoids, fruit 819
Trithioacetaldehyde 366, 366(F)
Triticale 671
Tritium 470
Tritylamino acid, N- 019
Tritylchloride 019
–, reaction with amino acid 019
Tropomyosin 571, 571(T), 572(F)
Troponin 571, 571(T), 572(F)
Trub stabilization, xanthan gum 331
Truffle, aroma substance 788
Trypsin 075, 077(T)
–, activation energy 094(T)
–, active serine, mechanism 115
–, inhibition054, 069
–, specificity 043, 045(F), 078(T)
–, substrate analog inhibitor 107
–, substrate binding 110(F)
Tryptamide, cocoa shell 961, 961
Tryptamine 584
–, fruit 813, 817 , 817(T)
Tryptophan 010
–, discovery 012
–, loss by lipid peroxidation 215(T)
–, reaction 070
–, synthesis 033
–, UV absorption 015(F)
Tryptophan, D-
–, sweet taste 034, 035(T)
Tryptophan, L-
–, bitter taste 034
Tuna 622
–, meaty aroma note 629
Turanose, honey 886(T)
Turbidity, beer 906
Turkey, progesterone 228(T)
Turmeric, essential oil, chemical composition 974(T)
Turmerone 974(T), 976
–, lysozyme 053(T)
–, protein 052, 052(F), 052(T), 053(F)
Turn,β-, 052
Turnover number, definition 098
Turtle 639
Two-substrate reaction, rate equation 122
–, substrate binding, order 121
Type of bread 741(T)
–, amount of yeast 723(T)
Type of margarine 660(T)
Type of milk 520
Tyramine 584
–, fruit 813, 815
Tyrosinase 105
Tyrosine 010
–, acylation 070
–, discovery 012
–, loss by lipid peroxidation 215(T)
–, nitration 070
–, reaction 024, 070
–, UV absorption 015, 015(F)
–, –, pH dependency 016(F)
Tyrosine, o-
–, food radiation 073
UHT milk, vitamin loss 520
Ultra high temperature treatment (UHT)
–, milk 518, 518(F)
Ultra-trace element 421, 427
Ultrafiltration, fruit juice 855
–, fifth taste quality 430
Umbelliferone 295(T), 824(T)
Uncompetitive inhibition 127
Undecatetraene, (E,Z,Z),1,3,5,8-
–, sensory property 379
Undecatriene, hop 896, 896(T)
Undecatriene, (E,Z)-1,3,5-
–, formation 379
–, sensory property 379
Undecenal, (E)-2-
–, oleic acid, autoxidation 203(T)
Unripened cheese, carrageenan 301(T), 306
Unsaponifiable component, fat 225, 226(T)
Urea, fish 627
Urea adduct, fatty acid 166
Urea derivative, sweet taste 439
Urease, rate constant 120(T)
–, reaction 753
Uric acid, enzymatic analysis 140(T)
–, milk indicator 515(T)
Uronic acid, occurrence 263
–, synthesis 262
Uvaol 646 , 646(T)
Vaccinin 291, 291
Valencene 385
–, oxidation 344(T)
Valeric acid, structure, meltingpoint 161(T)
Valine 010
–, biosynthesis 378(F)
–, discovery 012