1.5 References 89
of 10–20 mm. The molecular interactions are
enhanced during stretching of the fiber, thus
increasing the mechanical strength of the fiber
The adherent solvent is then removed by pressing
the fibers between rollers, then placing them
in a neutralizing bath (NaHCO 3 +NaCl) of
pH 5.5–6 and, occasionally, also in a hardening
bath (conc. NaCl).
The fiber bundles may be combined into larger
aggregates with diameters of 7–10 cm.
Additional treatment involves passage of the
bundles through a bath containing a binder and
other additives (a protein which coagulates when
heated, such as egg protein; modified starch
or other polysaccharides; aroma compounds;
lipids). This treatment produces bundles with
improved thermal stability and aroma. A typical
bath for fibers which are to be processed into
a meat analogue might consist of 51% water,
15% ovalbumin, 10% wheat gluten, 8% soya
flour, 7% onion powder, 2% protein hydrolysate,
1% NaCl, 0.15% monosodium glutamate and
0 .5% pigments.
Finally, the soaked fiber bundles are heated and
chopped. ExtrusionProcess
The moisture content of the starting material (pro-
tein content about 50%, e. g., soya flour) is ad-
justed to 30–40% and additives (NaCl, buffers,
aroma compounds, pigments) are incorporated.
Aroma compounds are added in fat as a carrier,
when necessary, after the extrusion step to com-
pensate for aroma losses. The protein mixture
is fed into the extruder (a thermostatically con-
trolled cylinder or conical body which contains
a polished, rotating screw with a gradually de-
creasing pitch) which is heated to 120–180◦C
and develops a pressure of 30–40 bar. Under these
conditions the mixture is transformed into a plas-
tic, viscous state in which solids are dispersed
in the molten protein. Hydration of the protein
takes place after partial unfolding of the globu-
lar molecules and stretching and rearrangement
of the protein strands along the direction of mass
The process is affected by the rotation rate and
shape of the screw and by the heat transfer
and viscosity of the extruded material and its
residence time in the extruder. As the molten ma-
terial exits from the extruder, the water vaporizes,
leaving behind vacuoles in the ramified protein
The extrusion process is more economical
than the spin process. However, it yields fiber-
like particles rather than well-defined fibers.
A great number and variety of extruders are
now in operation. As with other food processes,
there is a trend toward developing and uti-
lizing high-temperature/short-time extrusion
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