2.5 Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions 129
Table 2.11.pH Optima of various enzymes
Enzyme Source Substrate pH
Pepsin Stomach Protein 2
Chymotrypsin Pancreas Protein 7.8
Papain Tropical plants Protein 7–8
Lipase Microorganisms Olive oil 5–8
α-Glucosidase (maltase) Microorganisms Maltose 6.6
β-Amylase Malt Starch 5.2
β-Fructofuranosidase (invertase) Tomato Saccharose 4.5
Pectin lyase Microorganisms Pectic acid 9 .0–9. 2
Xanthine oxidase Milk Xanthine 8.3
Lipoxygenase, type Ia Soybean Linoleic acid 9.0
Lipoxygenase, type IIa Soybean Linoleic acid 6.5
the reaction rate. However, such effects should be
determined separately. Here, only the influences
mentioned under b) will be considered with some
An enzyme, E, its substrate, A, and the enzyme-
substrate complex formed, EA, depending on pH,
form the following equilibria:
Which of the charged states of E and EA are in-
volved in catalysis can be determined by follow-
ing the effect of pH on V and Km.
a) Plotting Kmversus pH reveals the type of pro-
totropic groups involved in substrate binding
and/or maintaining the conformation of the
enzyme. The results of such a plot, as a rule,
resemble one of the four diagrams shown in
Fig. 2.31.
Figure 2.31a: Km is independent of pH in
the range of 4−9. This means that the
forms En+^1 ,En,andEn−^1 , i. e. enzyme forms
which are neutral, positively or negatively
charged on the active site, can bind substrate.
Figures 2.31b and c: Kmis dependent on one
prototropic group, the pK value of which is
below (Fig. 2.31b) or above (Fig. 2.31c) neu-
trality. In the former case, Enand En−^1 are the
active forms, while in the latter, En+^1 and En
are the active enzyme forms in substrate bind-
Figure 2.31d: Kmis dependent on two pro-
totropic groups; the active form in substrate
binding is En.
b) The involvement of prototropic groups in the
conversion of an enzyme-substrate complex
into product occurs when the enzyme is satu-
rated with substrate, i. e. when equation 2.40
which defines V is valid ([A 0 ] Km). Thus,
a plot of V versus pH provides essentially the
same four possibilities presented in Fig. 2.31,
the difference being that, here, the prototropic
groups of EA, which are involved in the con-
version to product, are revealed.
Fig. 2.31.The possible effects of pH on theMichaelis
constant, Km