2.5 Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions 131
Table 2.12.Thermal inactivation of enzymes to prevent deterioration of food quality
Food product Enzyme Quality loss
Potato products, Monophenol Enzymatic browning
apple products oxidase
Semi-ripe peas Lipoxygenase, Flavor defects;
peroxidase bleaching
Fish products Proteinase, Texture (liquefaction),
thiaminase loss of vitamine B 1
Tomato purée Polygalacturonase Texture (liquefaction)
Apricot products β-Glucosidase Color defects
Oat flakes Lipase, Flavor defects
lipoxygenase (bitter taste)
Broccoli Cystathionine Off-flavor
Cauliflower β-Lyase
rioration caused by enzymes which can be elimi-
nated e. g., by thermal inactivation.
Temperature and time are two parameters respon-
sible for the effects of a thermal treatment. They
should be selected carefully to make sure that all
necessary changes, e. g., killing of pathogens, are
guaranteed, but still allundesired changes such as
degradation of vitamins are kept as low as possi-
ble. TimeDependenceofEffects
The reaction rates for different types of enzymatic
reactions have been discussed in section 2.5.1.
The inactivation of enzymes and the killing of mi-
croorganisms can be depicted as a reaction of 1st
ct=c 0 e−kt (2.80)
with c 0 and ct=concentrations (activities, germ
counts) at times 0 and t, and k=rate constant
for the reaction. For ctand t follows from equa-
tion 2.80:
2 , 3
·t+logc 0 (2.81)
2 , 3
c 0
c 0 /ct=10 gives:
2 , 3
=D (2.83)
The co-called “D-value” represents the time
needed to reduce the initial concentration
(activity, germ count) by one power of ten.
It refers to a certain temperature which has
to be stated in each case. For example:
Bacillus cereus D 121 ◦C = 2 .3s, Clostridium
botulinumD 121 ◦C= 12 .25 s. For a heat treatment
process, the D-value allows the easy determin-
ation of the holding time required to reduce
the germ count to a certain level. If the germ
count ofB. cereusorCl. botulinumin a certain
food should be reduced by seven powers of ten,
the required holding times are 2. 3 × 7 = 16 .1s
and 12. 25 × 7 = 85 .8s. TemperatureDependenceofEffects........................
A relationship exists for the dependence of re-
equation ofArrhenius:
k=A·e−Ea/RT (2.84)
with k= rate constant for the reaction rate,
Ea=activation energy, R=general gas constant
and A=Arrhenius factor. For the relationship
between k and T, theArrheniusequation is only
an approximation. According to the theory of
the transition state (cf. 2.2.1), A is transferred
via the active state A#into P. A and A#are in