Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
2.5 Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions 133




+const. (2.100)

When plotting lnt against 1/T, a family of par-
allel lines results for each of different activation
energies Eawith each line from a family cor-
responding to a constant effect ct/c 0 (cf. equa-
tion 2.99) (Fig. 2.34).
For very narrow temperature ranges, sometimes
a diagram representing log t against temperatureδ
(in◦C) is favourable. It corresponds to:




2 .3R·TB·T





with tB as reference time and TB orδB as
reference temperature in K respectively ◦C.
For logt/tBthe following is valid:


2 .3R·TB·T


Fig. 2.34.Lines of equal microbiological and chemical
effects for heat-treated milk (lines B10, B1, and BO.1
correspond to a reduction in thermophilic spores by
90, 9, and 1 power of ten compared to the initial
load; lines C10, C1, and CO.1 correspond to a thi-
amine degradation of 30%, 3%, and 0.3%; according
toKessler, 1988)

This z-value, used in practice, states the tempera-
ture increase in◦C required to achieve a cer-
tain effect in only one tenth of the time usu-
ally needed at the reference temperature. How-
ever, due to the temperature dependence of the z-
value (equation 2.101), linearity can be expected
for a very narrow temperature range only. A plot
according to equation 2.100 is therefore more
In the literature, the effect of thermal processes is
often described by the Q 10 value. It refers to the
ratio between the rates of a reaction at tempera-
turesδ+ 10 (◦C)andδ(◦C):

Q 10 =

kθ+ 10


tθ+ 10


The combination of equations 2.101 and 2.103
shows the relationship between the Q 10 value and
logQ 10


2 .3RT^2



(2.104) TemperatureOptimum

Contrary to common chemical reactions,
enzyme-catalyzed reactions as well as growth of
microorganisms show a so-called temperature
optimum, which is a temperature-dependent
maximum resulting from the overlapping of
two counter effects with significantly different
activation energies (cf.

  • increase in reaction or growth rate

  • increase in inactivation or killing rate
    For starch hydrolysis by microbialα-amylase, the
    following activation energies, which lie between
    the limits stated in section, were derived
    from e. g. theArrheniusdiagram (Fig. 2.35):
    •Ea(hydrolysis)=20 kJ·mol−^1
    •Ea(inactivation)=295 kJ·mol−^1
    As a consequence of the difference in activation
    energies, the rate of enzyme inactivation is sub-
    stantially faster with increasing temperature than
    the rate of enzyme catalysis. Based on activa-
    tion energies for the above example, the following
    relative rates are obtained (Table 2.14). Increas-
    ingδfrom 0 to 60◦C increases the hydrolysis rate
    by a factor of 5, while the rate of inactivation is
    accelerated by more than 10 powers of ten.

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