Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

140 2 Enzymes

Table 2.17.Enzyme concentrations used in the end-
point method of enzymatic food analysis

Substrate Enzyme Km Enzyme
(mol/l) concen-

Glucose Hexo- 1. 0 · 10 −^4 (30◦C) 1. 67
Glycerol Glycerol 5. 0 · 10 −^5 (25◦C) 0. 83
Uric acid Urate 1. 7 · 10 −^5 (20◦C) 0. 28
Fumaric Fumarase 1. 7 · 10 −^6 (21◦C) 0. 03

be prepared. In contrast to kinetic methods (see
below), the concentration of substrate which is
to be analyzed in food must not be lower than
theMichaelisconstant of the enzyme catalyzing
the auxiliary reaction. The reaction time is
readily calculated when the reaction rate follows
first-order kinetics for the greater part of the
enzymatic reaction.
In a two-substrate reaction the enzyme is satu-
rated with the second substrate. Since Equa-
tion 2.41 is valid under these conditions,
the catalytic activity of the enzyme needed for
the assay can be determined for both one- and
two-substrate reactions. The examples shown in
Table 2.17 suggest that enzymes with low Km
values are desirable in order to handle the sub-
strate concentrations for the end-point method
with greater flexibility.
Data for Kmand V are needed in order to calcu-
late the reaction time required. A prerequisite is
a reaction in which the equilibrium state is dis-
placed toward formation of product with a con-
version efficiency of 99%. KineticMethod.........................................

Substrate concentration is obtained using
a method based on kinetics by measuring the
reaction rate. To reduce the time required per
assay, the requirement for the quantitative con-
version of substrate is abandoned. Since kinetic
methods are less susceptible to interference than
the endpoint method, they are advantageous for
automated methods of enzymatic analysis.

The determination of substrate using kinetic
methods is possible only as long as Equation 2.46
is valid. Hence, the following is required to
perform the assay:

a) For a two-substrate reaction, the concentra-
tion of the second reactant must be so high
that the rate of reaction depends only on the
concentration of the substrate which is being
b) Enzymes with high Michaelis constants
are required; this enables relatively high
substrate concentrations to be determined.
c) If enzymes with highMichaelisconstants are
not available, the apparent Kmis increased by
using competitive inhibitors.

In order to explain requirement c), let us con-
sider the example of the determination of glyc-
erol as given in Table 2.16. This reaction allows
the determination of only low concentrations of
glycerol since the Kmvalues for participating en-
zymes are low: 6× 10 −^5 mol/lto3× 10 −^4 mol/l.
In the reaction sequence the enzyme pyruvate ki-
nase is competitively inhibited by ATP with re-
spect to ADP. The expression Km( 1 +(I)/KI)
(cf. may in these circumstances assume
a value of 6× 10 −^3 mol/l, for example. This cor-
responds to an apparent increase by a factor of 20
for theKm of ADP (3× 10 −^4 mol/l). The ra-
tio(S)/Km( 1 +[I]/KI)therefore becomes 1×
10 −^3 to 3× 10 −^2. Under these conditions, the aux-
ilary reaction (Table 2.16) with pyruvate kinase
follows pseudo-first-order kinetics with respect to
ADP over a wide range of concentrations and, as
a result of the inhibition by ATP, it is also the rate-
determining step of the overall reaction. It is then
possible to kinetically determine higher concen-
trations of glycerol.

2.6.2 DeterminationofEnzymeActivity.........................

In the foreword of this chapter it was emphasized
that enzymes are suitable indicators for identify-
ing heat-treated food. However, the determination
of enzyme activity reaches far beyond this pos-
sibility: it is being used to an increasing extent
for the evaluation of the quality of raw food and
for optimizing the parameters of particular food
processes. In addition, the activities of enzyme
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