Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

152 2 Enzymes

Fig. 2.49.The activity ofα-amylase as influenced by
temperature. 1α-amylase fromBacillus subtilis, 2 from
Bacillus licheniformis

Fig. 2.50.Enzymatic starch degradation

yields starch syrup which is a mixture of glucose,
maltose and dextrins (cf. Pullulanase(Isoamylase)

Pullulanase (cf. is utilized in the brew-
ing process and in starch hydrolysis. In combi-
nation withβ-amylase, it is possible to produce
a starch sirup with a high maltose content. Endo-1,3(4)-β-D-Glucanase...............................

In the brewing process,β-glucans from barley in-
crease wort viscosity and impede filtration. Enzy-

matic endo-hydrolysis reduces viscosity. α-D-Galactosidase.......................................

This and the following enzymes (up to and in-
cluding section attack the non-reducing
ends of di-, oligo- and polysaccharides with re-
lease of the terminal monosaccharide. The sub-
strate specificity is revealed by the name of the
enzyme, e. g.,α-D-galactosidase:


In the production of sucrose from sugar beets
(cf., the enzymatic preparation from
Mortiella vinaceahydrolyzes raffinose and, thus,
improves the yield of granular sugar in the crys-
tallization step. Raffinose in amounts>8% effec-
tively prevents crystallization of sucrose.
Gas production (flatulence) in the stomach or in-
testines produced by legumes originates from the
sugar stachyose (cf. 16.2.5). When this tetrasac-
charide is cleaved byα-D-galactosidase, flatu-
lency from this source is eliminated. β-D-Galactosidase(Lactase)

Enzyme preparations from fungi (Aspergillus
niger) or from yeast are used in the dairy industry
to hydrolyze lactose. Immobilized enzymes
are applied to produce milk suitable for people
suffering from lactose malabsorption. Milk
treated in this way can also be used to make
products like skim milk concentrate or ice cream,
thus avoiding interference by lactose due to its
low solubility. β-D-Fructofuranosidase(Invertase).........................

Enzyme preparations isolated from special yeast
strains are used for saccharose (sucrose) inver-
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