Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

308 4 Carbohydrates


proximately 1:1. In contrast, a protein oil ratio of
about 1:10 is used in an emulsion stabilized by
milk proteins.
Gum arabic is very soluble in water and solutions
of up to 50% gum can be prepared. The solu-

Table 4.21.Viscosity (mPas) of polysaccharides in aqueous solution as affected by concentration (25◦C)

Concen- Gum Tragacanth Carrageenan Sodium Methyl Locust bean Guaran
tration (%) arabic alginate cellulose gum gum

1 54 57 214 39 59 3025
2 906 397 3760 512 1114 25 , 060
310 , 605 4411 29 , 400 3850 8260 111 , 150
444 , 275 25 , 356 12 , 750 39 , 660 302 , 500
5 7 111 , 000 51 , 425 67 , 575 121 , 000 510 , 000
6 183 , 500
10 17
20 41
30 200
40 936
50 4163

tion viscosity starts to rise steeply only at high
concentrations (Fig. 4.21). This property is unlike
that of many other polysaccharides, which pro-
vide highly viscous solutions even at low concen-
trations (Table 4.21).
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