5.3 Individual Aroma Compounds 361 Carbonyl Compounds
The most important reactions which provide
volatile carbonyl compounds were presented in
sections (lipid peroxidation),
(caramelization) and (amino acid
decomposition by the Strecker degradation
SomeStreckeraldehydes found in many foods
are listed in Table 5.16 together with the corres-
ponding aroma quality data. Data for carbonyls
derived from fatty acid degradation are found in
Table 3.32. Carbonyls are also obtained by degra-
dation of carotenoids (cf. Pyranones.
Maltol (3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one) is
obtained from carbohydrates as outlined in and has a caramel-like odor. It has been
found in a series of foods (Table 5.17), but in
concentrations that were mostly in the range of
the relatively high odor threshold of 9 mg/kg
Maltol enhances the sweet taste of food, espe-
cially sweetness produced by sugars (cf. 8.6.3),
and is able to mask the bitter flavor of hops and
Ethyl maltol [3-hydroxy-2-ethyl-4H-pyran-4-one]
enhances the same aroma but is 4- to 6-times
more powerful than maltol. It has not been
detected as a natural constituent in food. Never-
theless, it is used for food aromatization. Furanones.
Among the great number of products obtained
from carbohydrate degradation, 3(2H)- and
2(5H)-furanones belong to the most striking
aroma compounds (Table 5.18).
Table 5.17.Occurrence of maltol in food
Food product mg/kg Food product mg/kg
Coffee, roasted 20–45 Chocolate 3. 3
Butter, heated 5–15 Beer 0–3. 4
Biscuit 19. 7
Compounds I–III, V and VI in Table 5.18,
as well as maltol and the cyclopentenolones
(cf., have a planar enol-oxo-configu-
and a caramel-like odor, the odor threshold of
aqueous solutions being influenced by the pH.
In Table 5.19, the examples furanone I and II
show that the threshold value decreases with de-
creasing pH. As with the fatty acids (cf.,
the vapor pressure and, consequently, the concen-
tration in the gas phase increase with decreasing
dissociation. The fact that furanone I does not
appreciably contribute to food aromas is due to
its high odor threshold. However, this compound
is of interest as a precursor of 2-furfurylthiol
(cf. If the hydroxy group in furanone II
is methylated to form IV, the caramel-like aroma
note disappears.
A list of foods in which furanone II has been iden-
tified as an important aroma substance is given in
Table 5.20.
As the furanones are secondary products of the
Maillardreaction, their formation is covered in, and Whether the fu-
ranone II detected in fruit, which is partly present
as theβ-glycoside (e. g., in tomatoes, cf. For-
mula 5.5), is formed exclusively
by nonenzymatic reactions favored by the
low pH is still not clear. Furanone V (sotolon)
is a significant contributor to the aroma of,
e. g., sherry, French white wine, coffee (drink)
and above all of seasonings made on the basis
of a protein hydrolysate (cf. It is a chi-
ral compound having enantiomers that differ
in their odor threshold (Table 5.18) but not in
their odor quality. It is formed in theMaillard
reaction (cf., but can also be produced
from 4-hydroxyisoleucine (e. g., in fenugreek
seeds, cf. Furanone VI (abhexon) has