Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
6.3 Water-Soluble Vitamins 419

Diketogulonic acid degradation products, xy-
losone and 4-deoxypentosone (Formula 6.21), are
then converted into ethylglyoxal, various reduc-
tones (cf., furfural and furancarboxylic


In the presence of amino acids, ascorbic acid, de-
hydroascorbic acid and their degradation prod-
ucts might be changed further by entering into
Maillard-type browning reactions (cf.
An example is the reaction of dehydroascorbic
acid with amino compounds to give pigments,
which can cause unwanted browning in citrus


juices and dried fruits. The intermediates that
have been identified are scorbamic acid (I in
Formula 6.22), which is produced byStrecker
degradation with an amino acid, and a red
pigment (II). A wealth of data is available on
ascorbic acid losses during preservation, storage
and processing of food. Tables 6.1 and 6.2 and
Figs. 6.3 and 6.4 present several examples.
Ascorbic acid degradation is often used as
a general indicator of changes occurring in food.

Fig. 6.3.Ascorbic acid losses as a result of cooking of
cabbage (according toPlank, 1966)
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