Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
8.15 Surface-Active Agents 461

Table 8.24.Emulsifiers from mono- and diacylglyceride mixtures


Mono- and diglycerides esterified with EU-number

Production by conversion of
mixtures of mono- and
diacylglycerides with

Acetic acid (acetylated Acetem E472a Acetic anhydride
mono- and diglycerides)
Lactic acid Lactem E472b Lactic acid
Citric acid Citrem E472c Citric acid
Monoacetyl- and Datem E472e Tartaric acid and acetic
diacetyltartaric acid anhydride

of the starting compounds, complex products
are obtained in this process. An example is
represented by the diacetyltartaric acid ester of
monoglycerides (DATEM). At concentrations
of ca. 0.3% (based on the amount of flour), this
ester increases the volume of wheat biscuits.
For the production of this emulsifier, acetic
anhydride and tartaric acid are heated, diacetyl-
tartaric acid anhydride (I in Formula 8.43)
being formed on removal of acetic acid by
distillation. Compound I is converted to DATEM


with monoacylglycerides (II). In the series 6:0 to
22:0 as well as 18:1 (9) and 18:2 (9,12), the bak-
ing activity of DATEM is the highest with stearic
acid as the acyl residue. DATEMs on the basis
of diacylglycerides containing the acyl residues
10:0 or 18:0 exhibit only slight activity. Of the
10 components of a DATEM preparation which
quantitatively appeared, the main product (III in
Formula 8.43) gave the largest increase in volume
of white bread, closely followed by compounds
IV and V.
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