Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
13.1 Fish 619

Table 13.4.Major commercial fish species – quality and utilization

Name Family Genus, sp. Comments on quality
and processing

Sea fish
Pleurotremata (sharks)
Dogfish Squalidae Squalus acanthias
(Acanthias vulgaris)

Rajiformes (skates)
Skates, e. g.,
common skate

Rajidae Raja clavata,
R. batis

Used are the wing shaped body widenings,
the pectoral part and breast fins as a deli-
cacy; it is fried, smoked or jellied

Acipenseriformes (sturgeons)
Sturgeon Acipenseridae Acipenser sturio Exceptionally delicate when smoked,
caviar is made from its roe

Clupeiformes (herrings)
Herring Clupeidae Clupea harengus Valuable fish with fine white meat, fried
and grilled; industrially processed, for ex-
ample into Bismarck herrings, rollmops
and brat-herring
Sprat Clupeidae Sprattus sprattus Mostly cold or warm smoked; anchovies
Sardine Clupeidae Sardina pilchardus Mostly steam cooked and canned in oil;
along sea coast grilled and fried

Engraulidae Engraulis

Pleasant, aromatic fragrant, cured in brine,
made into rings and paste

Lophiiformes (anglers)
Angler, allmouth Lophiidae Lophius

White, good and firm meat, poached

Gadiformes (cods)
Ling Gadidae Molva molva Tasty firm white meat
Cod Gadidae Gadus morhua Meat is prone to fracturing, used fresh, fil-
leted, salted and frozen, dried (stock- and
klipfish), cooked, poached; oil is produced
from liver
Haddock Gadidae Melanogrammus

Very fine in taste, processed as fresh, pick-
led, or marinated, smoked, fried, roasted,
cooked or poached, or used for fish salad
Coalfish pollack,
black coor or Boston

Gadidae Pollachius
P. pollachius

Meat is lightly tinted grayish-brown, it is
filleted, smoked, sliced as cutlets or chops
and processed in oil (used forsalmon sub-
Whithing Merlangius Merlangius

Good meat, easily digested, but very sensi-
tive, fried or deep fried roasted or smoked,
used for fish stuffings
Hake Merluccidae Merluccius

Fresh or frozen, all processing methods are
Red fish, ocean perch Scorpaenidae Sebastes

Tasty meat, fattier than cod, it is filleted or
Gurnard, sea robin
(gray gurnard,
red gurnard)

Triglidae Trigla
T. lucerna

White firm meat (red sp. is of higher qual-
ity), used fresh or smoked

Lumpfish, sea hen Cyclopteridae Cyclopterus

Smoked, its roe is processed into caviar
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