Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

642 14 Edible Fats and Oils

Table 14.0.continued

Country Sesame seed Country Linseed Country Safflower seed

China 666 Canada 1041 India 230
India 628 China 480 USA 87
Myanmar 580 USA 280 Kazakhstan 75
Sudan 200 India 210 Mexico 72
Uganda 166 Ethiopia 128 Australia 36
Ethiopia 160 Argentina 54 China 30
Nigeria 100 Bangladesh 50 Argentina 18
Bangladesh 50 UK 49 Kyrgyzstan 14
Paraguay 50 France 43 Ethiopia 6
Tanzania 48 Russian Fed. 36 Tanzania 5

∑(%)b^79 ∑(%)b^92 ∑(%)b^98

Country Cottonseed Country Copra Country Palm kernel

China 13 , 460 Philippines 2200 Malaysia 4125
India 7128 Indonesia 1310 Indonesia 3860
USA 6666 India 750 Nigeria 1250
Pakistan 4065 Vietnam 243 Thailand 191
Uzbekistan 2376 Mexico 204 Colombia 178
Brazil 1785 Sri Lanka 65 Brazil 122
Turkey 1350 Thailand 65 Ecuador 95
Australia 844 Malaysia 51 Cameroon 75
Syrian Arab Rep. 664 Mozambique 46 Côte d’Ivoire 74
Greece 520 Côte d’Ivoire 45 China 62

∑(%)b^88 ∑(%)b^93 ∑(%)b^94

Country Palm oil Country Olives Country Olive oil

Indonesia 15 , 900 Spain 5032 Spain 955
Malaysia 15 , 880 Italy 3424 Italy 627
Nigeria 1287 Greece 2661 Greece 439
Colombia 711 Turkey 1600 Tunisia 205
Thailand 685 Tunisia 1000 Syrian Arab Rep. 130
Côte d’Ivoire 330 Morocco 750 Turkey 90
Ecuador 291 Syrian Arab Rep. 501 Morocco 85
China 230 Algeria 365 Algeria 32
Congo 175 Egypt 310 Jordan 27
Honduras 175 Portugal 276 Portugal 26

∑(%)b^96 ∑(%)b^94 ∑(%)b^97
aSoybean and peanuts are presented in Table 16.1.
bWorld production = 100%. Edible Beef Fat

Edible beef fat is obtained from bovine adi-
pose tissue covering the abdominal cavity and
surrounding the kidney and heart and from
other compact, undamaged fat tissues. The fat
is light-yellow due to carotenoids derived from
animal feed. It is of a friable, brittle consistency
and melts between 45 and 50◦C.

The fatty acid composition of beef fat (Ta-
ble 14.3) is not influenced greatly by feed intake,
but that of hog fat (lard) is. The composition of
edible beef fat triacylglycerols is given in
The following commercial products are prepared
from beef fat:Prime Beef Fat (“premier jus”)
is obtained by melting fresh and selected fat
trimmings in water heated to 50–55◦C. The acid
value resulting from lipolytic action (cf.
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