Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

690 15 Cereals and Cereal Products

Fig. 15.9.Electrophoretic separation of the gluteninsa,bof various wheat cultivarscon polyacrylamide gel in the
presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and mercaptoethanol (SDS-PAGE) (according toKrauseet al., 1988)

aResidue after the extraction of defatted flour with water, salt solution, and aqueous ethanol.
bThe numbering of the HMW subunits of glutenin differs from that in the original publication, Payne et al., 1981b: Band 1–7: (x-type),

8–12 (y-type).
cAfter each variety, the baking quality class is given in brackets (bread volume yield very high: A9, high to very high: A8, high: A7,

average to high: A6, average: B5, low to average: B4, low: B3, very low to low: C2, very low: Cl).

higher and the content of Met (ca. 0.7%) and Phe
(ca. 3.4%) is lower.
The N-terminal sequences determined directly
by Edman degradation correspond to those
derived from the nucleic acids. Apart from

a few variations, the individual amino acid
residues VRVPVPQLQPQN have been found
for these N-terminal sequences (Table 15.16).
The recurring sequences consist of the peptide
unit QPQPFPPQQPYP, which usually occurs
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