Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

780 17 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

Table 17.4.(Continued)

Vegetable Dry N-Com- Available Lipids Dietary Ash
matter pounds carbo- fiber
(N× 6 .25) hydrates

Seed vegetables
Chestnut 55. 12. 441. 21. 98. 41. 2
Green beans 10. 52. 45. 10. 21. 90. 7
Green peas 24. 86. 612. 40. 54. 30. 9

Fruity vegetables
Eggplant 7. 41. 22. 50. 22. 80. 6
Squash 9. 01. 14. 60. 12. 20. 8
Green bell pepper 7. 71. 12. 90. 23. 60. 4
Cucumber 4. 00. 61. 80. 20. 50. 5
Tomato 5. 81. 02. 60. 21. 00. 5

Fig. 17.1.Protein patterns of different potato cultivars obtained by isoelectric focussing on polyacrylamide gel
pH 3–10.aProtein bands stained with Coomassie Blue;bStaining of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors (TI,
CTI): Incubation with trypsin or chymotrypsin, N-acetylphenylalanine-β-naphthyl ester and diazo blue B: in-
hibitor zones appear white on a red-violet background. (according toKaiser, BruhnandBelitz, 1974)

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