834 18 Fruits and Fruit Products
Table 18.25.Taste of dihydrochalcones
Dihydrochalcone Tastes
quality intensitya Relative
(μmole/l) intensityb
Naringin sweet 200 1
Neohesperidin sweet 10 20
Neoeriocitrin slightly
sweet – –
Poncirin slightly
bitter – –
(Sodium salt) sweet 200 1
aConcentration of iso-sweet solutions.
bRelated to saccharin.
The dihydrochalcone glycoside phloridzin (For-
mula 18.31) occurs in apples.
(18.31) Flavones, Flavonols
Flavones (Formula 18.32: I, R = H; R^1 ,R^2 =H,
R^3 = OH: apigenin; R^1 ,R^2 = OH, R^3 =H:lute-
olin; R^1 = OH, R^2 =H,R^3 =OCH 3 : diosmetin;
R^1 =OCH 3 ,R^2 =H,R^3 = OH: chrysoeriol; II:
nobiletin) and flavonols (Formula 18.32: I, R,
R^3 = OH; R^1 ,R^2 = H: kaempferol; R^1 = OH,
R^2 = H: quercetin; R^1 ,R^2 = OH: myricetin; R^1
=OCH 3 ,R^2 = H: isorhamnetin) occur in all
common fruits and citrus and tropical fruits as the
3-glycosides and, less frequently, as the 7-glyco-
sides (Tables 18.23 und 18.26). Quercetin is
a very effective antioxidant (cf. Higher
concentrations (mg/kg) have been found in
quince (180), elderberry (170), cranberry (130),
raspberry (70), apple (49), cherry (14) and
red/blackcurrant (13).
Table 18.26.Occurrence of flavonols in fruit
Fruit Flavonols
Apple Que-3-gal, Que-3-
glc, Que-3-rha,
Pear Que-3-glc
Peach Que-3-glc
Apricot Que-3-glc,
Plum/prune Que-3-glc, Que-3-
rha, Que-3-ara
Sour cherry
Sweet cherry Que-3-glc
Blackberry Que-3-glc
Currant, black Que-3-glc, Kaem-
3-glc, Myr-3-glc,
further Que-glc,
Grapes Que-3-rha, Que-3-
glc, Que-3-rha-glc
Kaem: kaempferol, Myr: myricetin, Que: quercetin.
ara: arabinoside, gal: galactoside, glc: glucoside,
gly: glycoside, rha: rhamnoside, and xyl: xyloside.
They are faintly yellow compounds.