Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
20.2 Wine 913

Table 20.12.(continued)

Country Grape cultivar Comments about cultivation area and quality

Austria White wine cultivars
Neuburger A pronounced cultivar bouquet, pleasantly acidic
Rotgipfler Fruity, aroma rich, full-bodied; together with Zierfandler an ingre-
dient of Gumpoldskirchner wines
Veltiliner, green A pleasant pleasing bouquet refreshing wine
Veltiner, red Fruitywine with a fine bouquet
Veltliner, (early red,
Welschriesling A mellow wine with fine bouquet
Zierfandler, red A wine with burning and passionate perception, fragrant aromatic,
with a cultivar specific bouquet
Red wine cultivars
Burgundy, blue, late
Portuguese, blue
Sankt Laurent A strong wine, dark red colored, with a fine Bordeaux-like bouquet

Switzerland White wine cultivars
Gutedel (Chasselas, A major Swiss grape cultivar
Fendant, Dorin)
Marsanne Blanche
(Hermitage) A mellow wine with a refined bouquet
Mueller-Thurgau Major cultivar of Eastern Switzerland
Red wine cultivars
Burgundy, blue
Gamay Grown in Western Switzerland
Merlot The wine of Tessin (Ticino)

Hungary White wine cultivars
Furmint, yellow Used for Tokay wine production
Red wine cultivars
Kadarka The most important Hungarian red wine cultivar

ice-must which, because of freezing, is enriched
in sugar and acid and, as such, is a source of high
quality wines (ice-wines). Must Production and Treatment

The grape clusters cut from vine stocks using
grape shears are cleaned of rotten and dried
berries and then, as fast as possible, separated
from the stems. This is done in a roller crusher

which consists of two fluted horizontal rolls by
which the berries are crushed without break-
ing the seeds or grinding the stems. The latter are
separated out by a stemmer. The crushed grapes
are then subjected to pressing to release their
juice, the must. The mechanical and partly con-
tinuously operated presses are basket-type screw-
presses (extruder-like tapered screw), hydrau-
lic or pneumatic presses. The free-running must
is collected prior to pressing (first run) and, after
mild pressing, the major portion (pressed-must)
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