The Washington Post - USA (2021-10-26)

(Antfer) #1


tion of civilian stakeholders in the
transitional government, posted
numerous videos to its social me-
dia accounts of protesters gather-
ing Monday in symbolically im-
portant places in Khartoum, in-
cluding in front of the military
headquarters, the focus of the vast
protests in 2019 in the months
before and after Bashir’s eventual
unseating by his military com-
The protesters reprised a cen-
tral slogan of the 2019 revolution
as they marched up Africa Avenue
past the airport and toward the
center of the city: “Freedom, peace
and justice, the revolution belongs
to the people.”
The prime minister’s political
coalition, largely made up of
groups that supported Bashir’s
overthrow, had made progress
with Western governments in nor-
mali zing Sudan’s diplomatic and
economic relations with the rest of
the world after decades of sanc-
tions. Sudan was taken off the

ger transition period.
On Monday, Feltman’s office
said in a t weet: “The US is deeply
alarmed at reports of a military
take-over of the transitional gov-
ernment. This would contravene
the Constitutional Declaration
and the democratic aspirations of
the Sudanese people and is utterly
unacceptable. As we have said re-
peatedly, any changes to the tran-
sitional government by force puts
at risk U.S. assistance.”
Price, the State Department
spokesman, on Monday suggested
that while U.S. economic aid was
paused, U.S. humanitarian aid to
Sudan would continue. “Our hu-
manitarian commitment to the
people of Sudan will not change,”
he said, without providing details.
Price said the United States had
not been in touch with Hamdok
and did not get advance notice
from military officials about their
The Sudanese Congress Party,
which is part of Hamdok’s coali-

Union suspended Sudan’s mem-
bership. Saudi Arabia, a close ally,
expressed concern in a statement
but did not call Monday’s events a
coup or military takeover.
“The kingdom calls for the im-
portance of self-control, calm and
de-escalation, and preserving all
that was achieved from political
and economic gains,” the Saudi
Foreign Ministry’s statement
Washington’s special envoy to
the Horn of Africa region, Jeffrey
Feltman, met on Saturday with
Hamdok and Sudan’s two most
powerful military figures, Burhan
and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo,
better known as Hemedti, a for-
mer warlord who now commands
a powerful paramilitary unit
called the Rapid Support Forces.
Feltman had used the meeting
to warn that U.S. support for Su-
dan was tied to its transition
toward elections and civilian rule,
which military leaders have
agreed to while pushing for a l on-

confrontation. Divisions within
the military have also contributed
to the instability. Last month, pro-
Bashir elements in the army at-
tempted a coup but were thwart-
The civilian side of the govern-
ment, led by former economist
Hamdok, had recently set a N ov. 17
deadline for a f ull transition to
civilian power.
In a s tatement posted on the
Facebook page of Sudan’s civilian-
run Information Ministry, Ham-
dok was quoted as calling on the
Sudanese people to peacefully “oc-
cupy the streets to defend their
revolution.” A separate post said
Hamdok had been arrested and
transferred to an unknown loca-
tion. His whereabouts remained
unclear Monday afternoon.
The United States, European
Union and United Nations all is-
sued statements calling for the
immediate release of civilian lead-
ers and their restoration in the
government, and the African

United States’ state sponsors of
terrorism list last year and had
begun engaging with Western
lending institutions to clear enor-
mous debt arrears and secure
loans to stabilize the country’s in-
flation-rocked economy.
The military’s role in Sudan’s
transitional government was pre-
sented to civilian leaders in 2019
as a largely honorary one, but
Burhan and others have figured
prominently in the country’s do-
mestic and foreign policy since
then, and they accused Hamdok of
trying to monopolize control.
Over the past half-century, Su-
dan has been rocked by coups and
wars, creating an intricate and
shifting web of alliances and rival-
ries. In 2011, after a decades-long
civil war, the country was split in
two after largely non-Muslim
southerners voted to secede and
create the new country of South
Sudan. A p articularly brutal con-
flict in the western region of Da r-
fur, along the border with Chad,
still simmers and has displaced
hundreds of thousands of people
this year alone, according to the
United Nations.
Militia leaders from Darfur
who once fought Burhan and
Hemedti have now sided with
them in an alliance that has made
supporters of the civilian govern-
ment, especially among displaced
communities in Darfur, deeply un-
comfortable. Pro-democracy dem-
onstrators have also alle ged th at
Sudanese military leaders still
maintain close ties with Bashir’s
inner circle despite claiming to be
vanguards of the movement that
ousted him.
A particularly sore point has
emerged over Bashir’s outstand-
ing warrant from the Internation-
al Criminal Court in The Hague on
charges of genocide and crimes
against humanity, relating to
atrocities in Darfur carried out by
state security forces between 2003
and 2008. The civilian govern-
ment has approved measures to
hand Bashir over to the court from
a Sudanese jail, but the military
has blocked the move. Burhan,
Hemedti and other prominent
military and paramilitary figures
served in Darfur under Bashir, but
there are no outstanding cases
against them.
[email protected]

Missy Ryan in Washington contributed
to this report.

pired unless Sudan is returned to
the transitional path.”
The coup comes just days after
the U.S. envoy to the region met
with Sudan’s military leaders and
warned them that American sup-
port — which aims to prop up an
economic renewal after decades of
sanctions — was conditional on
sticking to an agreement that
would see power put squarely in
civilian hands this year.
Sudan’s top military command-
er and head of state, Lt. Gen. Abdel
Fattah al-Burhan, appeared on
state television about noon local
time to announce the new mea-
sures, but he did not specifically
address the arrests of Prime Min-
ister Abdalla Hamdok and other
members of the government. He
also did not mention a target date
for a t ransition to full civilian con-
trol of the government. He said the
military was still committed to
democratic elections by mid-2023.
As news of the military’s action
spread around Khartoum, crowds
gathered in the streets in protest
— just days after the capital wit-
nessed the biggest pro-democracy
demonstrations since 2019, when
Bashir was toppled by a w ave of
popular discontent. Locals de-
scribed security forces out in
droves using batons and live am-
munition to scatter protesters,
who uploaded videos of the chaos
despite Internet services being
“Eve ryone is on the streets. Peo-
ple are feeling like this is a major
determining moment for our fu-
ture,” said Asma Ismail, 35, a p ro-
democracy activist who spoke by
phone from Khartoum. “Two and
a half years of progress could dis-
appear. It could all have been in
Local news channels reported
the closing of roads and bridges
connecting Khartoum with the
rest of Sudan by large contingents
of security forces, as well as the
suspension of flights at the air-
port. A p rominent doctors associ-
ation said in a statement posted to
Twitter that two people had died
of gunshot wounds and more than
80 were injured.
Since Bashir’s ousting, the
country has been governed by a
civilian-military transi tion al
council, and tensions over power-
sharing have repeatedly threat-
ened to boil over into outright


Protesters gather, U.S. issues a warning a fter Sudan’s military stages a coup

Sudanese demonstrators rally in the capital, Khartoum, on Monday after the arrests of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and other
members of the government. Locals described security forces out in droves using batons and live ammunition to scatter protesters.

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