
(vip2019) #1
fessional should consider a detailed examination and breakdown of each bid
to determine whether or not the bid includes all project requirements.
Mistakes have been known to happen. It is extremely important to check and
double-check each submission to ascertain the accuracy of each submission.
Remember, the lowest bid may initially appear to be the lowest price, but
in practice it may involve serious cost increases. Only detailed bid analysis
can determine whether an apparently low bid will translate into low costs
in reality.

In the interest of protecting the client and the design professional, it is highly
recommended that a contractor maintain proper insurance throughout the
entire project process. The design professional should be aware of basic
coverage that should be required for most projects. In addition, the design
professional should also be aware of the requirements established by the
property owner and require the contractor to request such requirements
directly from the property owner to ensure that they are all met. Types of
coverage typically required include:

  • Workman’s Compensation Insurance.Protects the owner and design
    professional in case a worker is injured on the property.

  • General Liability Insurance.Covers the owner and design profes-
    sional in the event the contractor damages the owner’s/building
    owner’s property.

  • Automobile Insurance.Protects the owner in the event that a con-
    tractor’s vehicle damages another vehicle on the property under

The design professional must receive a contractor’s certificate of insurance.
Request that a certificate of insurance be provided by the contractor’s insurer
and delivered to you directly from the insurance provider. This practice pro-
tects both the design professional and the owner/property owner. Receipt
of a certificate of insurance generally suggests that the insurance is valid and
is in the form of an original. Further, all insurance should name the owner
of the project, the building owner, and the directors and employees as addi-
tional insured to maximize the coverage umbrella.


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