Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

gets progressively more diɽcult to lose body fat as you
get closer to the optimal area. It’s easier to achieve a
reduction from 15 percent to 13 percent, for example,
than from 12 percent to 10 percent.
If you want to keep track of your body’s development,
check your weight, percentage of body fat, and
measurements at regular intervals. Measure the size of
your upper arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, and calves, as
they show the clearest changes. The aim is to achieve a
narrower waist while the other parts increase in size.
Accordingly, examine your waist at its narrowest point
and all the other parts at their largest point. Record the
results on a checklist.

Nutritional Objective: Maintaining Fight


If you want to improve your Muay Thai performance
while maintaining your ɹght weight, you have to make
sure that your calorie intake corresponds more or less to
the calories you burn. This applies equally to Muay Thai–
speciɹc training, stamina training, and power training. Eat
healthy food such as lean meat, ɹsh, whole-grain
products, fruits, fresh vegetables, and essential fats.
Don’t exercise on an empty stomach. Consume suɽcient
carbohydrates and protein. It’s best to eat a main meal
about three hours before training and to eat a
carbohydrate-rich snack, such as a banana, about an hour
before you start. You will then be able to bring your best
performance during training. It is also worthwhile to eat a

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