Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1
+ Neck, rear upper-arm muscles

Starting Position
Sit upright on an exercise ball or a chair. Your arms are
in the air, elbows pointing away from your body, your
head between the dumbbells. Hold the dumbbells with
your thumbs pointing to one another. Tense your
abdominal and buttock muscles.

Lift the dumbbells to a position next to each other
without changing the position of your hands. Next, move
your arms slowly back into the starting position before
repeating the exercise. Avoid pushing your head forward,
avoid compensating movements to the front or rear with
the dumbbells, and make sure your back is straight.

The exercise can be done in a standing position or with a
long bar instead of dumbbells. The handstand push-up is a
good alternative. Put your hands against a stable wall and
raise your stretched legs. In a nearly vertical position,
bend your arms until your head is close to the ɻoor. Next,
stretch your arms up again.

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