Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

A–C: The sequence for squats.


++ Thigh muscles, particularly the front part of the
thighs, glutes
+ Calf, abdominal, lower back muscles

Starting Position
Stand upright with slightly bent knees. Your feet are apart
at about shoulder width, and they point slightly to the
sides. Hold your arms up in front of your body. Tense
your abdominal muscles and glutes.

Bend your knees until your thighs are slightly below
horizontal, and at the same time push your buttocks
backward. Next, jump up and deliver a knee kick. After
that, return to the bent-knee position and repeat the
exercise. Make sure your execution of the exercise is
controlled and that your knees stay above your feet while

Advanced athletes can vary the jump to do a ɻying kick or
elbow and ɹst techniques. The knee bend can also be

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