Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

A–D: The sequence of squats and pushups.


++ Lower back, thigh muscles, glutes
+ Forearm, upper back, front and rear upper arms,
calves, chest, neck muscles

Starting Position
Stand upright with knees slightly bent. Your feet are
slightly farther apart than shoulder width, and they point
outward. On the ɻoor between your legs is a punching
bag. Bend your knees while shifting your buttocks
backward and grab the punching bag. Tense your
abdominal muscles and glutes, and keep your back

Lift the punching bag while stretching your legs. Rest the
punching bag brieɻy on your shoulder, and continue by
lifting the bag into the air. Next, return the bag to the
shoulder position before you put it back on the ɻoor in a
controlled sequence of motion. Make sure that your
abdominal muscles remain continuously tensed and that
your back stays straight. Follow up with a repetition.

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