Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

running; adapt it to your requirements. Start at Level 1
with the main training at basic stamina intensity. Once
you have reached a satisfactory level in one area, you can
move to the next level.
Start by warming up the body with a light jog, followed
up with stretching and loosening exercises. Once your
body is warmed up, do the runs at increasing speeds. The
runs comprise continuous changes between fast and slow,
and they train the body to return quickly to a normal
heart rate. Don’t run at full speed; 80 percent is suɽcient.
Advanced athletes do sprints and four-hundred-yard runs.
Between sprints they take a break of one to two minutes,
and between four-hundred-yard runs they take two to
three minutes. This break means a continuation of the run
at very low speed, but not at complete rest. The training is
done at ɹtness stamina intensity and basic stamina
intensity. Finally, wind up the program by jogging at a
very slow pace and stretching and loosening.

Workout C: Strength Training

Warm-up exercises and stretching

  1. K1: Intensive PushUps, with or without an exercise

  2. K2: Pull-Ups or Pull-Ups on a Rope, or K3: Dumbbell

  3. K4: Overhead Press or Handstand PushUps

  4. K7: Squats, or K6: Lunge Steps

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