Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

1. Introduction to Techniques

In a competition, both competitors usually have a similar
level of technical skill and physical performance. To end a
competition in your favor, you need an advantage, which
you can acquire with the help of the techniques described
in this chapter. World Champions Nonsai, Kem, and
Saiyok ɹrst demonstrate the combinations they use in
training to create the patterns of action for a ɹght. Kem
and Saiyok then introduce some of their best counter
techniques, which they use successfully in their ɹghts.
Next, the most important feints are explained, because a
successful feint can lead to a quick end to a ɹght. With
the help of the combinations, counter techniques, and
feints discussed below, you can acquire an edge over your
Always change things up in a ɹght. Study your
opponent, get to know his or her patterns of action, and
counter eʃectively. Apply pressure with combinations and
use feints to generate a defense reaction. Put all of the
techniques described here to the test and perfect those

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