Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Against a distance ɹghter, you have to bridge the
distance while not getting careless. Kicks have to be
blocked from a stable stance before you follow up
with powerful punches, kicks, and knees. Once
you’re close to your opponent, you mustn’t let go,
and follow if the opponent attempts to dodge.

What strategy do you recommend against a
tricky or unfair opponent?

It’s important to stay calm. Don’t get rattled or let
your opponent’s conduct impress you. Above all, act
full of conɹdence, stick to your own style, and don’t
be swayed by any provocation. The spectators and
the referee will comment and react to your
opponent’s style. Even if you get spit at, don’t let
yourself be provoked. You have to impress the
audience with the consistent assertion of your own
fight style.

What strategy do you recommend against a fast
and aggressively approaching opponent?

The most important thing in this case is very secure
protection and defense. Pay particular attention to
your guard. An opponent who approaches
aggressively will become slower and less powerful
during the course of the ɹght. If your opponent’s

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