Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Christoph Delp: Where did you grow up, and how
did you start training?

Kem Sitsongpeenong: I spent the ɹrst years of my
life in Maha Sarakham Province [in the northeast].
Then I followed my father to Bangkok because he
was working there. Even before I got to Bangkok, I
had always been fascinated by Muay Thai. My father
knew this and brought me to a camp for training.

What does Muay Thai mean for you?

Muay Thai is an important life experience for me,
and it’s also my profession, which provides my

When did you start training? What was your ɹrst
professional ɹght like, and how did your career

I started my regular training at the age of thirteen.
In my ɹrst ɹght I lacked a lot of skill, and I lost. My
opponent advised me to increase my training. The
following year I concentrated on diligent training,
and I didn’t compete in any ɹghts. Then I was
prepared to start my competitive career. After my
first ten fights, I moved to the Sor Ploenjit Camp.

Who has had the greatest inɻuence on your

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