(nextflipdebug2) #1
7 Adverbs

7.6 Intensifiers

7.6A 'Very', 'too' and 'very much' [> LEG 6.8.2,6.9,6.28.2,7.45,7.48,7.50-51 ]


Write 2:

1 Intensifiers are words like very and too which strengthen adjectives and adverbs.

2 We use very to strengthen:

  • the positive form of adjectives (not comparative/superlative): Martha has been very ill.

  • adjective + noun: John is a very nice man.

  • adverbs: The wheels of bureaucracy turn very slowly.

  • many past participle adjectival forms: I'm very interested. You're very mistaken.
    The very goes with best/worst: It's the very best/the very worst meal I've ever had.
    and some nouns (beginning/end): I waited till the very end of the film.

3 Too goes before adjectives and adverbs and means 'more than is desirable' [> 7.7B, 16.4B]:
Compare: It's very hot, but I can drink it. It's too hot and I can't drink it.
It's often more polite to say not very good or not too good rather than 'bad':
His work's not very good/not too good. (There is no difference in meaning here.)

4 Very much goes with:

  • comparatives: She is very much better.

  • verbs: I like your painting very much. This idea has very much interested me.

  • adjectives like afraid, awake, alive and alone: Old Mrs Page is very much alone.

Write 1 : Supply very, too, or very much in these sentences. Two answers may be possible.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


I hear Jack has been
I can't go faster than I'm going.
Go slower. You're driving fast for me.
She didn't think my work was good.
I can't afford that. It's expensive.
If you think that, you are mistaken.
This project has interested our firm.
I didn't enjoy the meal
Susan's paintings have been admired. 19
I always try and buy the best. 20

She's intelligent to believe that!
The Antarctic would be cold for me.
I like your idea.
The new XJ6 is faster than the old one.
We were late, but we just got the train.
We were late, so we missed our train.
We have missed you.
Your children get much pocket money.
He hasn't got much money.
I've been alone lately.

Complete these responses using very, too, very much and too much.

1 How did you enjoy last night's film? - I enjoyed it
2 So you didn't buy the picture in the end! - No, it cost
3 I think you should take a coat with you. - Yes, I will. It's cold outside.
4 Is that lobster alive? - Yes, it's alive!
5 Was that car expensive? - Yes!
6 Are you thirsty? - Yes,!
7 Did you spend a lot of time on it? - Yes!
8 I don't like sitting in the smoking compartment. - I agree. There's smoke.
9 Why aren't you buying those shoes? - They're large for me.
10 Those shoes are very large! - Yes, but not large!
11 Are the children still awake? - Yes, they're awake!
12 How are you feeling? - Not well, I'm afraid.
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