(nextflipdebug2) #1
8.2 Prepositions of movement and position
Prepositions of time

8.2B Prepositions of time: 'at', 'on' and 'in' [> LEG 8.10-14]

1 We use at for: exact time: at 10 o'clock; meal times: at lunch time; points of time: at night [> 3.6A];
festivals: at Christmas; age: at the age of 14 ; + 'time': at this/that time.
2 We use on for: days of the week: on Monday, on Mondays; parts of the day:
on Monday morning; dates: on June 1st, particular occasions: on that day; anniversaries:
on your birthday, festivals: on New Year's Day.

3 We use in for [> 7.3C]: parts of the day: in the evening; months: in May, years: in 2050; seasons:
in (the) spring; centuries: in the 20th century; periods: in Ramadan, in two years' time.

Write: Supply at, on or in.

1 I'llmeetyou 10.30 Ш. Monday, June 14.
2 We're taking our holiday July.
3 I always finish work early Fridays.
4 Who knows what the world will be like the year 2030?
5 You don't want anything to go wrong your wedding day.
6 the 19th century many children died before they were a year old.
7 We got up dawn and reached the summit noon.
8 the age of 14 I realized I would never become a brain surgeon.
9 The birds don't find much to eat in our garden winter.
10 What will you be doing the holidays?
11 What will you be doing New Year's Day?
12 The year was 1986 that time I was working as a waiter.
13 We try to get away Christmas time.
14 I'll see you ten days' time.
15 They prepared a surprise for me at the office my birthday.

8.2C Context

Write: Supply the missing prepositions.

People who live^1 California have every reason to be afraid of earthquakes. No one has
ever forgotten the great quake that destroyed San Francisco^2 1906.^3 May,
1988, the people of Los Angeles panicked. According to a prophecy made^4 the 16th
century by a prophet called Nostradamus, the city would be destroyed early^5 1988. During
the panic, parents didn't send their children^6 school and people didn't go^7
work. No one stayed^8 home, either. The airlines did great business carrying people who
fled^9 their 'doomed city'. Which is more puzzling: how Nostradamus knew that a city which
didn't even exist^10 his time would be destroyed^11 the 20th century, or the
behaviour of the people who believed 'the prophecy'?

The people of Los Angeles panicked

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