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9.5 The simple present perfect and present perfect progressive






The simple present perfect and the present perfect progressive
compared [> LEG 9.34]

The simple present perfect and the progressive forms mean different things here:
I've been painting this room. It will look good when it's finished, (the job is unfinished)
I've painted this room. Doesn't it look good? (the job is definitely finished)

Supply the simple present perfect or the present perfect progressive.

1a I .l.^tfyfUfO all y0ur letters. The job's done, (type)
1b I this report since yesterday and I'm only half way through, (type)
2a Your mother is still in the kitchen. She all morning, (cook)
2b I a lovely meal which I'll be serving in a couple of minutes, (cook)
3a We this garage ourselves and have just begun to use it. (build)
3b We this garage ourselves and hope to finish it within the next two months, (build)

The simple past and the simple present perfect compared [> LEG 9.23,9.26.1 ]

With the simple past we have to say or imply when something happenened [> 7.3A, 9.3C]:
I finished the job yesterday/an hour ago, etc. (Not */ have finished the job yesterday. *)
With the present perfect, we do not say 'exactly when': I have finished the job.
Even if we say I have just finished the job, we are still not saying 'exactly when' [> 9.5А].

Write: Supply the simple past or the simple present perfect in these pairs of sentences.

1a She a book until she was 25. (never read)
1b She is 80 and a book in her life, (never read)
2a I lunch an hour ago. (have)
2b I lunch, (just have)
3a to the bank yet? (he go)
3b to the bank at lunch time? (he go)

9.5E Context

Write: Put in the simple present perfect, the present perfect progressive or the simple past.

Before I (visit)^1 Australia, an Australian friend in London (tell)

(^2) me I'd learn 'the Australian salute'. 'What's that?' I (ask)
(^3) 'You'll find out when you get there,' he (say) (^4) I
(arrive)^5 in Perth last week. Since then, I (stay)^6 at a
nice hotel near a beautiful beach. I (never visit)^7 Australia before and
I am enjoying my stay. I (swim)^8 every day from the time I (arrive)
(^9) Yesterday, an Australian friend (suggest) (^10) a tour
into 'the bush'. I (agree)^11 at once. The first thing I (notice)
(^12) when we (be) (^13) in the bush (be) 14
the flies. After a while I (remember)^15 the conversation I had had in
London before I (come)^16 here. 'What's the "Australian salute"?' I
(ask)^17 suddenly, as I waved my right arm to keep the flies away.
'That's it!' my friend said as he (wave)^18 back!
I waved my right arm

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