(nextflipdebug2) #1
9.7 The simple future tense

Write: Supply suitable forms of will and shall. Give alternatives where possible.
Situation: Jim is asking his friend Don for advice about a job interview.

JIM: What sorts of questions do you think they^1 'М:/.(УШ< ask?
DON: The same as they asked me. They^2 ask you why you want to work for them.
JIM: That's easy. I want to earn more money.
DON: Yes, but you can't say that. You^3 have to think of some better reasons.
JIM: I can't think of any just now, but I expect 14 think of something at the time. I
hope 15 anyway!
DON: I'm sure you^6 What time is your interview?
JIM: It's at three in the afternoon.
DON: I know it^7 help very much, but 18 be thinking of you. Don't worry,
everything^9 be OK!
JIM: When^10 I know if I've got the job?
DON: They^11 let you know in a couple of days. That's what happened in my case.
You^12 get a letter which begins, 'We regret to inform you - !'

9.7C Context

Write: Put in suitable forms of will and shall.


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I'm going to retire next week and I'm looking forward to it. For the first
time in my life 11 ...<4¿No¿í<.... be able to do all the things I've always
wanted to do. 12 (not) have to travel to work any more. I

(^3) (not) have to earn a living. My firm (^4) pay my
pension into my bank account and 15 (not) have to worry
about earning money ever again. My wife and 16 be able to
spend more time together. We^7 take care of the house
together. We^8 do the shopping together. I explained all
these plans to my wife. 'Of course,' she said. 'I'm looking forward to your
retirement, too, but you must remember that while you can retire, I can't.
I've written out some simple rules for us both which^9 apply
from the day you retire. Here they are:'


1 We^10 take turns to do the cooking and the housework.
2 We" (not) watch TV all day long.
3 We^12 keep regular hours.
4 We^13 find interesting hobbies to keep us occupied.
5 We^14 spend time out of the house as well as in it.
6 We is keep fit in mind and body.

'They look like sensible suggestions,' I said. 'They are,' my wife
answered. 'If we follow these rules I'm sure we^16 enjoy a
long and happy life together.' 'I hope we^17 ,' I answered.

If we follow these rules ...

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