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9 Verbs, verb tenses, imperatives

9.10 The imperative

9.1 OA Some uses of the imperative to express different functions [> LEG 9.51-2]




1 We don't use the imperative just for 'giving orders'. We can use it e.g. for:

  • offering: Have another sandwich. - prohibiting: Do not walk on the grass.

  • directing: Take the next turning left. - warning: Look out! A bus is coming!

2 We can make an imperative more polite or more urgent with Do. Compare:

  • ordinary imperative: Help yourself!

    • polite imperative: Do help yourself!

  • negative imperative: Don't help yourself!

Make these imperatives more polite or more urgent.

1 Have a cup of coffee.
2 Make yourself at home
Stop talking!
Try and ring us
Help me with this letter

9.1 OB The imperative to address particular people [> LEG 9.54]

1 When we say e.g. Wait here! we might be addressing one person or several. We are really
saying 'You (singular or plural) wait here!'

2 If we want to speak to someone in particular, we can:

  • add you (unstressed) for an instruction: You wait here for a moment. (= I want you to)

  • add you (stressed) to express annoyance: ' You keep quiet!

  • use you with (or without) a name: You wait here, Henry. Or: Henry, you wait here.

  • add yourself/yourselves to verbs like help, enjoy, behave: Help yourself!

3 If we are talking to groups of people, we can use the imperative with:

  • everybody: Everybody keep quiet. Keep quiet, everybody.

  • somebody/nobody: Somebody answer the phone! Nobody say a word!

    • Don't.. anybody: Don't say a word, anybody! Don't anybody say a word!

Write: Write these imperatives again to address particular people. Alternatives are possible.

1 Enjoy
2 Try teaching 40 noisy children every day!
3 Make the coffee today! (Meg)
4 Turn off that TV!
5 Don't turn the lights on!
6 Carry this case! (John)
7 Sit down!
8 Have a short break!
9 Don't move!
10 (John) Post these letters!
11 Don't listen to her!
12 Enjoy (children)!
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