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11.4 Uses of modals (etc.) to express certainly and possibility

11.4B Certain and uncertain answers to questions [> leg 11.31,13.5-6]

1 A 'certain' question may produce an 'uncertain' answer [compare > 13.1С]:
Does he like fish?- He might (do). He may (do). He could (do). He may not.

2 An 'uncertain' question may produce a 'certain' answer:
Can he still be working? - Yes, he is.

3 We use be and have been to answer questions with be:
Is he ill? - He may be. Was he ill? - He may have been. (Not *he may*)

4 We use do/done to replace other verbs, though this is optional:
Will you catch the early train?-1 may.Л may do.
Has he received my message?- He could have./He could have done.

5 We also answer W/7-questions with 'certainty' or 'uncertainty':
What's his name?- It's Smith, (certain) It may/might be Smith, (uncertain)
What was his name? - It was Smith, (certain) It may/might have been Smith, (uncertain)

Write: Give uncertain answers to these questions.

1 Does she still live in London?
2 Where does she live?
3 Did he catch the early train?
4 Which train did he catch?
5 Are they still living abroad?
6 Where are they living?
7 Has he finished work?
8 When did he finish work?
9 Will you leave tomorrow?
10 When will you leave?

11.4C Context

Write: Put in suitable forms which express uncertainty or possibility.

We make decisions all the time, but we^1 never be certain
whether we are right or wrong. The work you choose to do

(^2) be suitable for you or it (^3) not. The person
you marry^4 be a perfect match or^5 be the
worst possible choice. Suppose you have saved money for the future.
You^6 invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you
(^7) lose the lot in a foolish moment. You think you have a
healthy diet, but the food you eat^8 actually be very bad
for you and^9 be the cause of terrible illness. Perhaps you
travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, but one of
them^10 be your last. Decisions! Decisions! But we don't
learn from experience. Experience is the quality that allows us to go on
making the same mistakes with more confidence!
Decisions! Decisions!

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