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13 Questions, answers, negatives




Alternative negative forms and negative questions

Negative statements with 'negative adverbs': 'never', etc. [> LEG I3.8-1 O]

We can make negative or near-negative statements with adverbs like never, hardly, hardly ever,
seldom and rarely [compare > 7.4A-B, 7.8С]. Never is more emphatic than not.
Compare: I don't drink coffee, (negative) with: I never drink coffee, (emphatic negative)

We can't use a negative adverb with a negative verb to make a 'double negative':
I can hardly recognize him. (Not 7 can't hardly recognize him. ")
Nobody phoned. (Not 'Nobody didn't phone.")

This is especially true for no, any and their compounds [> 4.6B]:
I've got no time. -» I ha ven 't got any time.
I've seen no one/nobody. -> I haven't seen anyone/anybody.
I've bought none of them. -> I haven't bought any of them.
I've done nothing today. -> I haven't done anything today.
I've been nowhere today. -» I haven't been anywhere today.

Write: Make negative or near-negative statements using the adverbs in brackets.

1 I don't go to the cinema, (never)
2 She doesn't watch TV. (hardly ever)
3 I can't get him on the phone, (seldom)
4 They didn't greet me. (barely)
5 We don't go out. (scarcely ever)
6 We can't wait till tomorrow, (hardly)
7 We don't see our neighbours, (rarely)
8 It's not worth the trouble, (scarcely)
9 I haven't bought any eggs, (no)
10 I didn't speak to anyone, (no one)
11 I don't want any of them, (none)
12 She didn't say anything, (nothing)
13 We didn't go anywhere, (nowhere)
14 Please don't tell anybody, (nobody)
15 She doesn't understand English, (hardly)




Cancelling what has just been said: 'No, not Wednesday' [> LEG 13.12]

We can cancel what we have just said with not
See you Wednesday - no, not Wednesday, Thursday. (Not 'No Wednesday")

Cancel the following by referring to the words in italics.

1 Ask Diana. ,(N.Q>)..Q.'S^y^.,. JÇl^ày/M.......
2 I'll see you at 5
3 The plane leaves from London
4 The film you want to see is on today
5 I'd like a cup of coffee
6 Please pass me the salt.
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