(nextflipdebug2) #1
13 Questions, answers, negatives

13.8 Subject-questions:'Who?','What?','Which?','Whose?'

13.8A Subject or object? [> LEG 13.41-43]

1 A subject-question asks for the identity of the subject.
There is no inversion and the question has the same word order as a statement:



verb object
paid the waiter,
paid the waiter?


John (did).

Compare a Wftofm^-question which asks for the object of a statement [> 13.5B]:

subject object-answer
statement: John
Who(m)-quesX\on: Who(m) did John pay?

verb object
paid the waiter.
The waiter.

2 Answers to subject-questions often echo the auxiliary verb used in the question:
Who can play the piano? - 1 can./! can't.
When no auxiliary verb is present in the question, we use do, does or did in the answer:
Who wants a lift?- 1 do. Who won?- We did.

3 What, Which, Whose and How much/How many can combine with other subject-words:
What number is ...? Which boy likes ...? Whose car is ...? How many students are ...?

Write 1 : Does the question-word ask for the subject or the object in each question?
Write S or О against each one.

1 Who spoke to you? S
2 Who did you speak to?
3 Who will she leave her money to?
4 Who'll lend you the money?
5 What frightened you?
6 What did she see?
7 Which hat does he like?
8 Which hat suits him best?
9 Whose number did you ring?
10 Whose telephone rang?
11 How many people did you invite?
12 How many people came to your party?

Write 2: Supply suitable subject question-words on the left and suitable answers on the right.

1 Wfw. can play chess?
2 wants to have a day off?
3 broke the big glass vase?
4 'II help tomorrow?
5 made this mark on the table? A knife
6 will make you happy? A new car
7 teacher took you for maths?
8 tie goes best with this shirt?
9 dog bit you? My neighbour's...
10 dog bit you? The
11 suitcase got lost on the journey?
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