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14 Conditional sentences

14.3 Type 3 conditionals

14.3A Type 3 conditionals, basic uses: 'If you had gone by train,...'
[> LEG 14.16-19]


We form Type 3 conditionals with if+ past perfect (or if + could have) + would have.
We often use Type 3 conditionals to express regret, etc. about things that can now never
happen. We can use simple or progressive forms of the past perfect in the /'/-clause:
If I'd (= I had) been taller,
If I had had any sense,
If we had gone by car,
If I had been trying harder,
If I could have stopped,

I'd (= I would) have joined the police force.
I wouldn't have bought a second-hand car.
we would have saved time.
I would have succeeded,
there wouldn't have been an accident.

Write: Comment on the following situations with /'/(expressing regret, etc.).

1 John ate too much birthday cake, so he was sick.
If. lofm. h&dtfa. eatefj,. ¿яр/м.шьсЬ. Мг^ШЩ. .ШиМлб.. /Ш^.^Ш.

2 We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.

3 The house didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.

4 The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe.

5 I had an accident because I wasn't watching the road.

6 I was sweating because it was so hot.

7 My father didn't earn much money, so life wasn't easy for us.

8 I didn't enjoy school, so I didn't do very well.

14.3B 'If I had been you/If I had been in your position' [> LEG 14.18.1]

Study: We often use If I had been you and If I had been in your position to describe what we would
have done in someone else's position:
If I had been you/If I had been in your position, I would have accepted their offer.

Write: Comment on these situations. Begin each sentence with If I had been ...

1 Marie paid £200 for a dress.
If. I. .bs&.HWi. M.&n&j. fícúcC éz.QQ..

2 Franz didn't take that job he was offered.

3 Ali didn't study at all, so he failed his exams.
4 Sandra walked to work in the rain and got wet.
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