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14.4 Mixed conditionals;'unless/if... not', etc.




Conjunctions we can sometimes use in place of 'if [> LEG 14 .21]

We can introduce conditionals with conjunctions which do not always have exactly the same
meaning as if, for example: assuming (that), even if, on (the) condition (that), provided
(or providing) that, so long as, suppose and supposing:
Assuming (that) it's fine tomorrow, we'll go fora swim.

Rewrite these sentences using the conjunctions in brackets.

1 If you gave me $10,000, I still (not go) down a coal mine, (even if)
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2 I (lend) you my book if you let me have it back by Monday, (on (the) condition (that))

3 If you look after it, I (let) you keep my bicycle till the weekend, (providing (that))

4 If you (not tell) anyone else, I'll tell you what happened, (so long as)

5 If it (be) a holiday on Monday, we can drive to the seaside, (assuming (that))

6 The children were never scolded if they (do) what they were told, (so long as)

14.4D Context

Write: Put in the right conditionals.

Grygori Pilikian recently celebrated his 114th birthday and reporters visited him in his mountain village
in Georgia to find out the secret of a long life. 'The secret of a long life,' Grygori said, 'is happiness. If
you (be)^1 happy, you will live a long time.' 'Are you married?' a reporter asked. 'Yes,'
Grygori replied. 'I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily married, you (live)

(^2) for ever. But for my third wife, I (die) (^3) years ago.' 'What about smoking
and drinking?' a reporter asked. 'Yes, they are important,' Grygori said. 'Don't smoke at all and you
(fee!)^4 well. Drink two glasses of wine a day and you (be)^5 healthy and
happy.' 'If you (can/live)^6 your life again, what (you/do)^7 ?' a reporter
asked. 'I would do what I have done. If I had had more sense, I (eat)^8 more yoghourtl'
he chuckled. 'Supposing you (can/change)^9 one thing in your life what (you/change)
(^10) ?' another reporter asked. 'Not much,' Grygori replied. 'So you don't have any
regrets?' 'Yes, I have one regret,' Grygori replied. 'If I (knovtf^11 I was going to live so
long, I (look after)^12 myself better!'
The secret is ... happiness!

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